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E=MC2 Summer Workshop Agendas
E=MC2 runs three summer workshops and institutes:
Summer Science Institute, June 25-July 1
Summer Science Institute, Part B, July 27-July 31
Superintendent + Science=Success2
Ewing Lawrence West Windsor-Plainsboro
School Districts |
1998 Summer Science Institute
June 25, 1998
Anders Hedberg - Director, Science Education Initiative- Bristol-Myers Squibb Welcome
Sondra Markman - K-8 Curriculum Coordinator, West Windsor- Plainsboro School District - History of the Grant
Introduction of Joyce Evans
Joyce Evans - Program Officer, E=MC2 - Remarks
Ed Nartowitz - K-12 Supervisor of Science and Mathematics, Lawrence Township School District - Presentation
Dr. Linda A. Walker - Supervisory Coordinator - Introductions of Teachers and Student
Emily DeFilippo - 5th Grade Teacher, Antheil Elementary School, Ewing Township, "Notes from the Trenches."
Tina Renga - 6th Grade Teacher, Upper Elementary School, West Windsor- Plainsboro, "Notes from the Trenches."
Tara Henn - 2nd Grade Student, Ben Franklin School, Lawrence Township "Young Scientist"
Bob Polakowski - Vice President, Association of Independent Colleges and Universities -Introduction of Joyce Powell, Judy Wurtzel and Jay Doolan
Joyce Powell - Secretary/Treasurer NJEA - Teacher Professional Development
Judy Wurtzel - United States Department of Education, Director of Education's Mathematics Initiative- National Perspective Education,
Jay Doolan - New Jersey State Department of Education, Director of State Standards and Professional Development - State Perspective
Claire Sheff Kohn - Superintendent, Lawrence Township Public Schools Introduction of New Superintendents, Assistant Superintendents, Board Members and Prominent Guests - Superintendents Perspective
Timothy Wade - New Superintendent of Ewing Township Public Schools- Remarks
Scott Hagedorn, Scientist, Union Camp and Sona Polakowski, Project Coordinator, E=MC2 - Teacher/Scientist Communication
Sona Polakowski - Project Coordinator, E=MC2 - Closing Remarks
Clapping Game
To look at different ways assessments can be designed.
To explore the way that these designs affect how the assessor and assessee feel--the consequences of how we do assessment.
To develop an awareness and a better understanding of the pros and cons of involving students in their own assessment
Foam Activity
To have an experience in restructuring a guided activity to make it more open ended.
Foam Activity is just a tool.
Setting the Stage
To identify characteristics of an exemplary elementary school science education.
To identify key elements needed for science reform.
To identify strategies for teaching and learning inquiry-centered science.
To learn about the implementations of science reform in Ewing, Lawrence, and West Windsor Plainsboro Districts.
Ice Balloons Activity
To compare and contrast guided, and inquiry strategies.
To model inquiry Science
Communication Connections
Sheila Pandiscio and Susan Pantone
To develop an understanding of the importance of communicating information.
To become familiar with a variety of forms of communication in the science classroom.
To provide participants with an opportunity to review what they have learned and to plan for application of knowledge.
Assessing Science Outcomes
Mary Lou Byer and Donna Lawrence
To investigate methods for monitoring students progress and share ways to communicate.
To the major stake holders i.e. administrators, students, parents, teachers and community.
To identify the processes of science education.
To provide teachers with an understanding of how to assess the processes of science and communicate the change to stake holders.
To appreciate the varied assortment of assessment tools available for different assessment tasks.
Caution. Knowledge Under Construction
Eileen Randall and Barbara Pakradooni
To explore some techniques useful for revealing student misconception.
To become Familiar with conditions that facilitate conceptual change.
To describe the general features of the Constructivist Learning Model.
To relate the Constructivist Learning Model to the processes of science education
Inquiry-based Science: The Guide on the Side
Jessica Heller and Mary Miller
To introduce the concept of "Inquiry as an Instructional Approach" and model how it can be used in science instruction.
To introduce strategies that promote inquiry in hands-on science.
To compare a structured vs. Open-ended inquiry approach to science.
The Nature of Science: Questions. Questions. Questions
Jan Fay and Joe Bookholdt
To inform participants of basic concepts about the nature of science.
To provide information so that participants can incorporate these concepts into their instruction.
To model open-ended science investigations that reflect the nature of science.
To provide guided practice in developing and conducting investigations.
Mary Jo Gonsiorowski and Wanda Rinker
To inform participants about the development of Benchmarks.
To inform participants about the components of Benchmarks.
To demonstrate how hands-on activities in the new science curriculum address the Benchmarks, the National Standards, and the New Jersey State Standards.
To provide information about the relationship of the national standards to Benchmarks and the science curriculum.
To provide information about the relationship of the state standards to Benchmarks and the science curriculum.
To follow and observe the process of kit handling and refurbishment in the center's materials and resource center, Science to Go!
To appreciate the importance of materials support in science reform.
To learn about computer, internet, and other resources connections available to educators.
To become aware of the plans for the development of the former machine shop of the Roebling Steel Works, site of the future science museum.
To appreciate the importance of historical preservation and urban renewal, and community support in science education.
Inquiry Based Science
Summer NSF Institute Part A June 25 to July 1, 1988
Thursday |
Friday |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Bristol-Myers Squibb |
LIS and IFSC |
8:00-8:30 Sign in Continental Breakfast |
8:00 - Breakfast |
8:00 - Breakfast |
8:00 - Breakfast |
8:00 - Breakfast |
8:30-9:30 Introduction, Presentations, and Speakers |
8:30 - 11:30 Module See rotation schedule on next document |
8:30 - 11:30 Module See rotation schedule on next document |
8:30 - 11:30 Module See rotation schedule on next document |
8:30 - 11:30 Module See rotation schedule on next document |
9:30 - Break |
9:45 - Breakout Groups Group 1: Dusty Rose and Red Group 2: Green and Maroon Group 3: Light Blue and Dark Blue |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
12:30-3:30 Ice Balloons: Guided Discovery and Inquiry Activity Breakout Groups 3:20 - Reception for Joyce Evans - NSFGroup and Color for Ice Balloons
1. Red
2. Lt Blue
3. Green
4. Dark Blue
5. Dusty Rose
6. Maroon |
12:30 -3:30 Module See rotation schedule on next document |
12:30 -3:30 Module See rotation schedule on next document |
12:30 -3:30 Module See rotation schedule on next document |
12:30 -3:30 Bus leaves at 12:30 Field Trip Invention Factory |
Friday |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Module |
Morning |
Afternoon |
Morning |
Afternoon |
Morning |
Afternoon |
Morning |
Afternoon |
Communication Connection Room 53 |
Red |
Maroon |
Dusty Rose |
Dark Blue |
Green |
Light Blue |
Light Blue Foam Activity Making the transition from Kits to Inquiry |
1:00 - 3:00 IFSC - History and Development Refreshments and Wrap-Up 3:00 return to LIS
Bus 1 - Red and Light Blue Groups
Bus 2 - Green and Dark Blue Groups
Bus 3 - Dusty Rose and Maroon Groups |
Assessing Science Outcomes Room 54 |
Light Blue |
Red |
Maroon |
Dusty Rose |
Dark Blue |
Green |
Green Foam Activity Making the transition from Kits to Inquiry |
Caution, Knowledge Under Construction Room 56 |
Green |
Light Blue |
Red |
Maroon |
Dusty Rose |
Dark Blue |
Dark Blue Foam Activity Making the transition from Kits to Inquiry |
Inquiry-based Science: Guide on the Side Room 57 |
Dark Blue |
Green |
Light Blue |
Red |
Maroon |
Dusty Rose |
Dusty Rose Foam Activity Making the transition from Kits to Inquiry |
The Nature of Science: Questions, Questions, Questions Room 58 |
Dusty Rose |
Dark Blue |
Green |
Light Blue |
Red |
Maroon |
Maroon Foam Activity Making the transition from Kits to Inquiry |
Benchmarks NJ State Core Standards Room 59 |
Maroon |
Dusty Rose |
Dark Blue |
Green |
Light Blue |
Red |
Red Foam Activity Making the transition from Kits to Inquiry |
Summer Institute - Part B
July 27 - 31. 1998
Goals and Objectives
Rob Staats - Multimedia
- To develop an understanding of the various methods and multimedia resources available for communicating science information
- To plan and develop a multimedia science project which demonstrates knowledge of the concepts contained in one NSF module.
Pete Christ - Powerful Learning and Simulations Software
- To identify the elements of simulation software
- To utilize a tool to evaluate software for appropriateness and grade level.
- To identify at least one piece of software that will be useful in your classroom.
- To identify ways to incorporate of a piece of software into a current lesson, unit or activity already being done in your classroom.
Walt Dimitruk - Multimedia II
- The students will be able to successfully operate video equipment.
- The students will be able to connect video equipment to a computer.
- The students will be able to record both video and still images during the science lesson presented.
- The students will be able to create a multimedia presentation using the videos and images they have collected.
Arlene Harris - Claris Works
- To feel comfortable using a computer.
- To learn to use a Macintosh computer.
- To use many skills in the ClarisWorks Word Processing application.
- To feel comfortable using the computer as a tool to enrich science activities with students.
- To use the computer as a tool for recording scientific data.
Sharon Feig and Sharon Zubricky
- To develop an understanding of how ClarisWorks can be utilized for analyzing and communicating scientific information.
- To identify ways to incorporate ClarisWorks into a science unit, lesson or activity.
- To enhance the student's ability to use the ClarisWorks word processing program.
- To expand the student's knowledge of the components and uses of the ClarisWorks data base and spreadsheet programs.
William Lazzaro
- Empowering Students with instructional Rubrics
- Scoring Rubric vs. Instructional Rubric
- Instructional Rubrics defined
- What are the relative influences on student learning?
- Student Samples with and without rubrics
- Improving Student Achievement . . .Realistic Expectations
Rebecca Gold
- To learn to navigate the Internet using search engines, browser software and printed reference materials to locate information relevant to the science kits being used.
- To visit known Internet sites and locate additional resources that enhance the science kits being used in the classrooms.
- To explore educational sites, with relation to the kits that teachers are using, that share class science projects, lesson plans and offer group interaction for online projects.
Part B Assessment and Technology
NSF Summer Institute Session I July 27-31
Monday - July 27 |
Tuesday - July 28 |
Wednesday - July 29 |
Thursday - July 30 |
Friday - July 31 |
Group |
8:30 am - 11:30 am |
12:30 pm - 3:30 pm |
8:30 am - 11:30 am |
12:30 pm - 3:30 pm |
8:30 am - 11:30 am |
12:30 pm - 3:30 pm |
8:30 am - 11:30 am |
12:30 pm - 3:30 pm |
8:30 am - 11:30 am |
12:30 pm - 3:30 pm |
IA |
Science Assess- ment Bill Lazzaro C102 Library UES WWP
Science Assess- ment Bill Lazzaro C102 Library UES WWP
Science Assess- ment Bill Lazzaro C102 Library UES WWP
Science Assess- ment Bill Lazzaro C102 Library UES WWP
Science Assess- ment Bill Lazzaro C102 Library UES WWP
Claris Work Arlene Harris B - 212 Village School WW-P
Multi- media I Rob Staats A1 Fisher Middle Ewing
Multi- media II Walter Dimitruk A2 Fisher Middle Ewing
Internet Rebecca Gold Media Center Fisher Middle Ewing |
Software Peter Christ A4 Fisher Middle Ewing |
IB |
Science Assess- ment Bill Lazzaro C102 Library UES WWP
Science Assess- ment Bill Lazzaro C102 Library UES WWP
Science Assess- ment Bill Lazzaro C102 Library UES WWP
Science Assess- ment Bill Lazzaro C102 Library UES WWP
Science Assess- ment Bill Lazzaro C102 Library UES WWP
Claris Work Sharon Feig Lab B - Room B 135 UES WW-P
Software Peter Christ A4 Fisher Middle Ewing |
Multi- media I Rob Staats A1 Fisher Middle Ewing
Multi- media II Walter Dimitruk A2 Fisher Middle Ewing
Internet Rebecca Gold Media Center Fisher Middle Ewing |
IC |
Science Assess- ment Bill Lazzaro C102 Library UES WWP
Science Assess- ment Bill Lazzaro C102 Library UES WWP
Science Assess- ment Bill Lazzaro C102 Library UES WWP
Science Assess- ment Bill Lazzaro C102 Library UES WWP
Science Assess- ment Bill Lazzaro C102 Library UES WWP
Claris Work Sharon Zubricki A - Room A 135 UES WW-P
Internet Rebecca Gold Media Center Fisher Middle Ewing |
Software Peter Christ A4 Fisher Middle Ewing |
Multi- media I Rob Staats A1 Fisher Middle Ewing
Multi- media II Walter Dimitruk A2 Fisher Middle Ewing
NSF Summer Institute Session II July 27-31
Monday - July 27 |
Tuesday - July 28 |
Wednesday - July 29 |
Thursday - July 30 |
Friday - July 31 |
Group |
8:30 am - 11:30 am |
12:30 pm - 3:30 pm |
8:30 am - 11:30 am |
12:30 pm - 3:30 pm |
8:30 am - 11:30 am |
12:30 pm - 3:30 pm |
8:30 am - 11:30 am |
12:30 pm - 3:30 pm |
8:30 am - 11:30 am |
12:30 pm - 3:30 pm |
Multi- media I Rob Staats A1 Fisher Middle Ewing
Multi- media II Walter Dimitruk A2 Fisher Middle Ewing
Internet Rebecca Gold Media Center Fisher Middle Ewing |
Software Peter Christ A4 Fisher Middle Ewing |
Claris Work Arlene Harris B - 212 Village School WW-P
Science Assess- ment Bill Lazzaro C102 Library UES WWP
Science Assess- ment Bill Lazzaro C102 Library UES WWP
Science Assess- ment Bill Lazzaro C102 Library UES WWP
Science Assess- ment Bill Lazzaro C102 Library UES WWP
Science Assess- ment Bill Lazzaro C102 Library UES WWP
Software Peter Christ A4 Fisher Middle Ewing |
Multi- media I Rob Staats A1 Fisher Middle Ewing
Multi- media II Walter Dimitruk A2 Fisher Middle Ewing
Internet Rebecca Gold Media Center Fisher Middle Ewing |
Claris Work Sharon Feig Lab B - Room B 135 UES WW-P
Science Assess- ment Bill Lazzaro C102 Library UES WWP
Science Assess- ment Bill Lazzaro C102 Library UES WWP
Science Assess- ment Bill Lazzaro C102 Library UES WWP
Science Assess- ment Bill Lazzaro C102 Library UES WWP
Science Assess- ment Bill Lazzaro C102 Library UES WWP
Internet Rebecca Gold Media Center Fisher Middle Ewing |
Software Peter Christ A4 Fisher Middle Ewing |
Multi- media I Rob Staats A1 Fisher Middle Ewing
Multi- media II Walter Dimitruk A2 Fisher Middle Ewing
Claris Work Sharon Zubricki A - Room A 135 UES WW-P
Science Assess- ment Bill Lazzaro C102 Library UES WWP
Science Assess- ment Bill Lazzaro C102 Library UES WWP
Science Assess- ment Bill Lazzaro C102 Library UES WWP
Science Assess- ment Bill Lazzaro C102 Library UES WWP
Science Assess- ment Bill Lazzaro C102 Library UES WWP

May 19,1998
8:00 - 8:30 - Continental Breakfast
8:30 - 8:45 - Ice Breaker
- Sona Polakowski - Introductions
- Claire Sheff Kohn - Facilitator
8:45 - 10 30 - Inquiry Based Science Demonstration by Inquiry Partner District Teachers - Ice Balloons
Presented by: Mary Lou Byer, Ewing, Fisher Middle School, Grade 6 Donna Lawrance, Lawrence, Grade 4 Wanda Rinker, WWP, Grade 5
- Teacher Directed Activity
- Challenge
- Inquiry
10:30 -10:40 - Coffee Talk (Break)
10:40 - 12:00 - Panel Discussion
- Claire Sheff Kohn - The role of the Superintendent
- Bruce McGraw - Bridges - NSRC
- Anders Hedberg - BMS - Support - Partnership
- Ed Nartowitz - What's happening in Lawrence
- Dr Linda Walker and Ray Broach What's happening in Ewing
- Sondra Markman and Tom Butler What's happening in WWP
- Judy Winkler - Science to Go, Invention Factory Science Center
- Gita Wilder - ETS
12:00 - 12:05 - Closing Remarks - Sona Polakowski
12:05 -1:00 - Lunch