
posted by:
Joni Falk
on August 13, 1999
at 11:38AM
"Non-official" perspectives welcome!
I have recently heard a concern voiced from a few participants that although they have opinions they may not represent the official view of the project. In light of this I would like to clarify some of the ground rules for this discussion. * All opinions/perspectives posted to the list will be assumed to represent ONLY the opinion of the submitter and not that of the entire project (unless it is specifically stated that the submission is a consensus statement). * It is expected that multiple opinions and perspectives exist among staff within a project and that agreement is not necessary. * It would be great to hear perspectives from people in different roles. To enable this we encourage you to subscribe curriculum coordinators, and teacher leaders to the discussion (even if they are not currently listed on the site.) It would be helpful for participants to state what their role is on the project as that will provide context to their perspective. * This discussion will not be used by NSF for accountability (as to what curricula is being used officially by a project.) In fact, if you feel more comfortable, you may address all your remarks to the types of new curricula you would like to see developed. NSFs interest in this forum is only to gain the perspective of leaders in the field and practitioners as NSF considers moving ahead with an initiative for instructional materials. * Last, but certainly not least, all opinions and perspectives are valued. The tone of these discussions have always been friendly and helpful. Every post is greatly appreciated. I look forward to hearing from all of you. --Joni