
posted to site:
Linda B Mooney; Harrison School District
Science Teacher Enhancement in the Pikes Peak Region (STEP-uP)
Participant Individuals:
CoPrincipal Investigator(s) : Paul J Kuerbis
Other -- specify(s) : Kasie Jones
Senior personnel(s) : Deb Chittenden; Carol Brueggeman; DeLene Hoffner; Cynthia Pechacek; Ingrid Milhauser; Kathy Nall
Other -- specify(s) : Jennifer Belliveau
Partner Organizations:
The Colorado College: Facilities; Personnel Exchanges
The Colorado College is the university partner for STEP-uP. Our lead
instructors primarily come from CC faculty. Some of our Tier II
courses are head at CC. Our teachers gain graduate credit from CC for
$10 per semester hour (a paperwork fee).
Agilent Technologies: In-kind Support; Facilities
Agilent Technologies is the business partner for STEP-uP. Agilent
provides our Project Coordinator and secretary with office space and
equipment. Agilent provides meeting space and food for our courses.
Agilent has provided laptop computers for our Science Resource
Activities and findings:
Research and Education Activities:
STEP-uP began May 1, 2000. Activities to date include:
- Tier I
Regional Kit Trainings for new teachers plus Introduction to Kit-based
SRTs are actively mentoring 1st and 2nd year teachers. Several
Critical Friends mentoring groups have formed.
Instructional Strategies courses for new and experienced teacher have
been developed in four strands: Integration of Literacy and Science,
Integration of Math and Science, Experiences in Inquiry, and
- Tier II
350 teachers have participated in one of four courses: Constancy and
Change in Earth Science, Constancy and Change in Life Science,
Constancy and Change in Physical Science, and Interdependence in Life
Each 45-hour course is field-based with 5 days(33 hours) devoted to
inquiry-based science content and instructional strategies led by
scientists/science educators, SRTs, and classroom teachers.Each course
has follow-up study groups (12 hrs.) focused on integrating
non-science curricular standards using science as the content core.
Each teacher receives either 3 semester hours of credit at Colorado
College or 3 colorado Department of Education credits.
Six additional course are planned for the summer of 2001.
Courses enhancing teacher content knowledge in chemistry and human
body are being developed.
- Tier III
Forty teachers were funded fully or partially in the MAT in Integrated
Science program at Colorado College. The program consists of three
summer institutes (each combining science with pedagogy), academic
year seminars, and a master's research paper. The 2000 institute
focused on an inquiry into the geology of the front range; 2001
focused on reef biology.
Six SRTs were selected from the five participating districts. They
have participated in team building, Exploratorium acitvities, EDC
Investigations, Science Conferences, and Literacy trainings and
inhouse PD to prepare them to serve as co-instructors. The SRT
mentor teachers and support principals.
One Science Liaison (SL) from each of the 77 participating schools has
been identified. Some have participated as partner facilitators in
the Tier II courses.
A Science Leadership Development in Inquiry finished in September
2001. Each participant will, with mentoring, become an instructor in
an instructional strategy course, study group, or kit training as part
of the project capacity building. A Leadership Development in
Assessment course will begin in January 2002 and is the first step in
'standardizing' embedded assessments.
Principal support strategies used in other LSCs are being analyzed to
find the most effective format and content for our principals.
Our family component will begin this year with the focus being on
training preschool providers in helping families develop
science-friendly home environments.
This vital aspect of sustainability is on target.
We have made substantial progress in implementing the project.
Approximately 70 teachers have already completed their 130 hours of
STEP-uP PD. 630 teachers (51% of those eligible) have taken at least
one STEP-uP offering.
We have served 630 teachers to date.
We have modified options for the 12-hour study group component in Tier
II to include our Tier I Instructional Strategies. Our teacher
feedback is extremely positive.
Training and Development:
Opportunities for training and development--Tier I, Tier II, and Tier
III as described on previous pages.
STEP-uP strategies for:
- Deepening teacher's content knowledge
Identify lead scientists to design and teach courses that model
Emphasis on content within a major theme rather than coverage of
scientific facts
Five of seven class days are devoted to science content and
- Effective pedagogy and assessment
Field-based courses model the IDEA2 and EDC Teaching/Learning
Emphasis on questioning strategies, graphing data, graphic
organizers, comparing/contrasting
Emphasis on integrating curricular standards using science as the
content core
Emphasis on using science notebooks in courses and with students
- Utilizing science kits after initial kit trainings
12 hours of study group time utilizes analyzing science kis and
revising lessons to reflect the science and pedagogical content of the
STEP-uP courses
Teachers identify kit and standard alignment
- Supporting implementation int he classroom
Assignments are geared toward implementing kits, questioning,
unifying concepts, and standards in the classroom
Mentoring of classroom teachers
- SRT support
Three Science Resource Teachers have participated in the
Exploratorium's Institute for Inquiry. One SRT is participating in
the Exploratorium's Increasing Inquiry in Kits Seminar.
Four SRTs participated in the NSTA Convention.
Six SRTs participated in the CSTA Convention.
Six SRTs participated in Adult Learning Style training.
All SRTs participated in a two-day EDC Windmill Investigation.
All SRTs participated in a two-day Imperial Valley training on use of
science notebooks.
Four SRTs have been trained in Step Up To Writing.
All SRTs went to the state reading convention.
Outreach Activities:
We have worked with the CEO of the Urban League to increase
participaton among minorities.
We are partnering with an Arts Council to promote understanding and
connections between the Arts and Sciences.
We have presented at NSTA, NARST, CSTA.
We have conducted a regional meeting for school districts outside of
STEP-uP to promote kit-based science.
We have conducted a university/business meeting to promote an
understanding of the importance of science at the elementary school.
Journal Publications:
Book(s) of other one-time publications(s):
Other Specific Products:
Categories for which nothing is reported:
Participants: Other Collaborators
Products: Journal Publications
Products: Book or other one-time publication
Products: Other Specific Product
Products: Internet Dissemination
Contributions Within Discipline
Contributions to Other Disciplines
Contributions to Education and Human Resources
Contributions to Resources for Science and Technology
Contributions Beyond Science and Engineering