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Overview of the Keystone Project Activities
The Keystone Project was a five year (extended to six years) rural regional professional
development program that provided support for teachers in their reform efforts for excellence in
science and technology. The Keystone Project's foundation:
- Students learned best when involved in problems which interest them and which had many
solutions or methods of attack. Knowledge was not viewed as being transmitted; but rather
understanding happens when students tied new information to the knowledge they already
understand. In many science and technology classrooms today, the former was the practice
while reformers were advocating the latter. Keystone recognized that the teacher was the key to
true reform and provided the bridge to the classroom and the future; therefore, the Keystone
Project provided participating teachers with ideas, materials, and financial backing at the
classroom level. Awakening, engaging, and empowering the professional staff (teachers and
administrators) was the key to the change.
- To accomplish its goal, the Keystone Project established a school based K-8 teacher
enhancement program for science and technology education. A consortium of 21 school
districts (one teacher districts, reservation districts, and larger districts such as Bozeman) in
collaboration with scientists, businesses, consultants, community organizations, individuals,
other educational institutions, and other currently funded NSF initiatives provided professional
development, and helped individual schools develop and implement self-sustaining strategic
science and technology plans while developing a training model for replication.
Major Project Goals were to: 1) disseminate nationally recognized classroom practices which
embody the principles for science and technology teaching with mathematics support, 2) address
gender equity, 3) address the needs of Native Americans, 4) address the needs of the rural
educator, and 5) create a model training program which may be offered for replication throughout
the state in years 4-5, and subsequently be used as the blueprint for a national model of school
based reform.
Other Project Goals were to: 1) provide staff development to all teachers as individual school
plans were implemented, 2) establish the processes to support the school's effort for reform, 3)
provide follow-up activities for teachers who had participated in summer institutes, 4) form
partnerships between schools and consortia of schools, and 5) establish and maintain local
professional networks of educators, scientists, and community members to provide a forum for
interaction and exchange of information on advances in content and pedagogy.
Summary of major activities and accomplishments
Over the life of the grant, Keystone provided professional development for three main groups of
educators : 1) teacher leaders: more experienced cadre and school level mentors, 2) teachers and
administrators, and 3) school staff in site-based strategic science and technology plan efforts
funded through a mini-grant structure. For each group, there were several strands and levels or
tiers of activities provided through various avenues such as summer institutes, school year
workshops, collaborative partners workshops, individual kit explorations and content sessions,
advisory capacity of the Science and Technology Resource Center, Family Science and Family
Math evenings, national and state science conferences, reflective best practice sessions, and field
experiences with content experts. Scientists and other expert collaborators were provided with
activities and materials needed to present the kit based explorations with the mentor teacher leader.
Although year 2000-01 was an extension year in which professional development was optional,
Keystone added two notable year-long professional development experiences to its already existing
palate of institutes and workshops. New additions were: 1) Project staff successfully taught an
on-line distance learning graduate level 1-2 semester leadership course. The 37 administrators and
teachers enrolled used action research to reflect on their instructional practices. Participants were
encouraged to form study teams within their schools, to present their findings via the on-line
discussion forum and chat room. The staff regretted that there was no time left to further refine
this mode of professional development since it did fulfill an original goal of developing electronic
learning circles which were not feasible at first in schools lacking hardware and/or expertise. This
class not only taught the use of research as a tool for reflective best practice, but it also required all
participants to hone their electronic communication skills. 2) As an educational hub site for
Educational Development Center (EDC), Keystone organized a seminar on reviewing and selecting
designated science materials for 55 educators and also established a library resource center for the
materials provided by such publishers as Carolina Biological, Delta FOSS, Kendall Hunt's
Insights, Sepup, etc. Keystone did seminar follow-up by hosting districts' committees in the
library (21 educators) and by doing site-based material implementation workshops ranging from 3
to 5 days in length for 37 teachers.
Other project staff activities where involvement ranged from 3-12 hours for workshops and up to
51 hours for committee advisory work: 1) provided a wide variety of professional development
experiences (formative and summative assessment, rubric development, material selection, lesson
modeling, and kit presentations), 2) served on and advised science and professional development
committees, 3) attended state and national conferences and professional development groups, 4)
shared module expertise in the form of half day to two day designated material implementation
sessions in Montana and three other Western states, 5) shared strategies, forms, and procedures
for development of science center with districts in two other states, 6) coordinated a Montana field
test of the Earth in Space module for the National Science Resources Center, 7) worked directly
with teachers and students in classrooms, 8) reviewed program performance assessments
developed for the designated materials, 9) functioned on advisory committees for several Montana
State University grants, 10) worked with local community science groups, and 11) held teacher
leader meetings associated with professional development. These activities involved a total of 717
Institutes and workshops focused on staff development related to project goals, objectives,
content, development of leadership capacity, and exploration of standards-based inquiry through
questioning and integration. Participant teams provided district professional development.
Teacher leader sessions provided background and training needed to promote their leadership
ability and capacity to support other classroom teachers. Keystone built a legacy which includes a
Science and Technology Material Center (STEC), a strong leadership cadre of teachers and
administrators, a professional development resource library, a strategic planning model, a set of
assessments for STEC materials, access to the designated materials, and a high percentage of
teachers using the designated materials on a regular basis.
According to the Keystone evaluation feedback, participants viewed Keystone's balance of tools,
pedagogy, and content professional development as a very positive influence on instructional
practices. The project was perceived to be an excellent means to connect isolated teachers in
remote areas to resources and to collaborative partners in larger schools. Over the life of the grant,
project staff tracked changes in teacher attitude. Feedback from a sample of 53 participants' Stages
of Concerns questionnaires revealed that teacher attitudes about science reform shifted from
awareness and management issues to ones of collaboration and refocusing on changes to be made.
One comment from a previous year summed up participant feelings: "Each time I get to participate
in Keystone, I think 'you guys can't get anything to top this.' Every year, I'm wrong. I know
you are awesome and we appreciate your work. You make learning fun and breathless. I love it."