
Workshop Goals and Agendas
June 18 - 22, 2001
Goals for the week
- Gain content knowledge of two units per grade levels
- Increase understanding of pedagogy in a standards-based classroom
- Gain familiarity with MathScape materials
- Meet with administrator
- Prepare unit plans
- Teach a lesson
- Begin year-long plan
Daily Goals
Day 1
- View "Big Picture" of MathScape
- Experience a lesson as a student
- Work on Phase 1 of Unit 1
- Organize COMMSTEP Portfolio
Day 2
- Experience grading of homework (P, C, T)
- Increase content knowledge of Unit 1
- Increase understanding of Teacher's Guide layout
- Become familiar with "Guide to Planning"
- Continue Organizing Portfolio
Day 3
- Share reflections
- Plan Friday lesson
- Plan Unit 1
- Integer lesson
- Information about NP, MMA, EXPLOR
- Begin work on Unit 2
- Summary
- Reflection
- Assign article to read
Day 4
- Address Parent concerns
- Work on Unit 2
- Assessment information
- Teacher concerns
- Positive Solutions
- Administrators
- Reflection
Day 5
- Teach lessons (6th, 8th, 7th)
- Process lessons
- Yearly plan
- Summary of week
- Reflection
Day 1
- Introductions
- Hopes for the week
- Goals for the workshop
- Goals for today
- MathScape overview
- A typical lesson: Chance Encounters lesson
- Grade level unit work (6th-Data, 7th-BB, 8th-LBN)
- Summary
- Reflection
Day 2
- Warm-up
- Reflection response
- Homework 4
- Continue unit work
- Guide to Planning - Unit, Phase, Lesson
- Reflections
Day 3
- Complete a plan for Friday's lesson
- Outline plans for Unit 1
- Increase understanding of operations (+,-) of integers using manipulatives
- Work on Unit 2 as a learner (6th-LON, 7th-FGU, 8th-MOM)
Day 4
- Build confidence in dealing with community concerns
- Complete Unit 2
- Address concerns and generate solutions
- Communicate with administrators
Day 5
- Increase confidence in teaching a standards-based lesson
- Outline year plan
- Summarize the week
Workshop Goals and Agendas
June 25 - 29, 2001
Goals for the Week
- Increased understanding of SBE
- Increased understanding of curriculum and pedagogy
- Familiarity with algebra throughout grade levels
- Completion of project plans
- Increased confidence for planning parent night
- Outline of year-long plan
- Increased understanding of the role of the mentor
Daily Goals
Day 1
- Welcome and introductions
- Grade level work
6th: Designing Spaces
7th: Getting in Shape
8th: Unit review and planning Looking Behind the Numbers and Math of
- Reflections
Day 2
- Reflection Review
- Grade level work
6th: Designing Spaces
7th: Getting in Shape Lessons 7, 9, 10, 11
8th: Lesson plans, Exploring the Unknown
7th & 8th: Integer lesson
7th & 8th: Teach SBE lesson
- Reflection
Day 3
- Reflections review
- Grade level work
6th: Designing Spaces
7th: Unit review
8th: Family Portraits
- Reflections
Day 4
- Reflections review
- Grade level work
6th: fractions and calculator work
7th: Unit review and planning
8th: Finish Family Portraits and do Roads & Ramps
- Reflection
Day 5
- Reflection review
- 6th, 7th, & 8th: Unit work
- 7th & 8th year: Long plan and project plan
- 6th, 7th, & 8th: Algebra strand activities
- Recipe for a successful year
- Reflection
Day 1
- Review components of a standards-based lesson
- 6th: Learn content of Designing Spaces
- 7th: Review/learn content of Getting in Shape
- 8th: "Fine tune" and write detailed plans for Looking Behind the Numbers and Math of Motion
Day 2
- Increase content knowledge
- Gain experience teaching a standards-based lesson (7 , 8)
- Plan standards-based lessons (6, 7, 8)
Day 3
- 6th: Finish Designing Spaces
- 7th: "Fine-tune" Buyer Beware and/or Chance Encounters
- 8th: Increase content knowledge of Family Portraits
Day 4
- 6th: Understand content in From Zero to One and Beyond
Use TI-12 Fraction Calculator as tool of learning
7th: Share strategies for teaching units
8th: Increase content knowledge of functions in Family Portraits and slope relationships in Roads and Ramps
gain more confidence in using the graphing calculator
- 6, 7, 8: Become more proficient SBE teachers
Day 5
- Be prepared to teach the MathScape curriculum in '01-'02
- Be skilled at teaching the components of SBE (e.g., introduction, investigate, summarize, assessment, presentation, displays of student work, group work, intervention, strategies of instruction, etc.)
- Experience algebra strand
- Be excited to be a teacher of mathematics
- Increase love for Elaine and Ken