
Teacher Enhancement for Student Success (TESS)
2001 Summer Workshop Summary
How long do your workshops last?
The Fresno Systemic Programs' TEKI (Technology, Environment, and Kids Institute) Summer sessions are scheduled for 3 weeks in the summer and 1 week spread out over the academic year. Content sessions (100 hours) will focus on cognitively-oriented professional development consisting of seven strands including algebra (patterns, symbols, functions and models), measurement and geometry, numeracy, physics, chemistry, and biology. Leadership sessions will focus on developing leadership capacity with effective teaching strategies for embedded literacy development, instructional technology, English Learners in science, mathematics, and technology, and equity (60 hours). The institute will be held from June 11-29, 2001, and five additional follow-up days scheduled during the academic year. The Science Embedded Assessment Institute is 40 hours long. Sessions will be held at CART, UC Fresno Academic Center, and the College of Mathematics and Science at CSU Fresno.
How many teachers do you involve in your workshops?
How many teachers do you involve in your workshops? One hundred FUSD SM Lead Teachers, 10 parent trainers, and 60 preservice teachers will participate in the summer TEKI. Another 80 teachers will participate in the Science Embedded Assessment Institute.
What are your major goals for your workshops in terms of content and pedagogy?
- Increase teacher content knowledge in science and mathematics through university coursework co-instructed by scientists, mathematicians, science education faculty, and exemplary teacher leaders
- Increase teacher knowledge and use of best practices in science and mathematics grades 4-12.
- Develop site level science and mathematics professional development calendars and implementation plans
- Increase knowledge and use of instructional technology strategies
- Implement an equity program in science and mathematics education through the use of case study research
- Continue to increase diversity of the instructional workforce
Long-term collaborations will be developed during the institute among the mathematicians, scientists, and teachers at the institute. This will support opportunities for teachers to engage in deep reflection, analysis, and evaluation of the content-based experiences from multiple perspectives in order to develop their own meaning for the "nature of science and/or mathematics." The cadre model uses a co-instructor method in which the leadership of teachers is evident in every aspect of the program. The co-instructor teachers provide the knowledge and experience on effective teaching in a wide variety of contexts, and make the connections between discipline and the classroom. This practical knowledge of teachers comprises a considerable portion of the curriculum of the institute and discussions allow for the contribution of participating teachers as well as knowledge provided by site Lead Teachers.
Are you offering professional development on specific curricula that
you are hoping will be used in the classroom? If so, which curricula are
you using?
Active Physics
Holt Science
Prentice Hall Science Explorer
FOSS, K-6 and 7-8
Harcourt Mathematics K-6
Harcourt Science K-5
Teacher Enhancement for Student Success (TESS) Summer 2001 Workshop:
Technology, Environment, and Kids Institute (TEKI)
June 11 - 29, 2001
Presenters: Dr. Jim Marshall, Director CVSP, Caran Resciniti, K-12 Mathematics
Coordinator, Jerry Valadez K-12 Science Coordinator, & Dave Andrews,
Director FCEPT and CSU, Fresno's Science & Mathematics Ed. Center
Superintendent's Welcome
Presenters: Santiago V. Wood, Ed. D. FUSD Superintendent
Carole Sarkisian-Bonard, Associate Superintendent, Ed. D.
"Paths For Future Generation"
Keynote Presenter: John Jackson, Einstein Fellow, National Science Foundation
A guide for educators to prepare students for the 21st
Century with Science and Mathematics education
Science in an EL Classroom: "A Kammereze Experience"
Presenter: Virginia Kammer, Science Specialist
- Role of Academic Language
- Best Practices
- Model EL Strategies
- Access to Content Standards for all Children
- Reflections on this Model Lesson
- How does this apply to your classroom situation?
"Kammereze Experience" Debrief
Presenters: Virginia Kammer & Maria Gonzales, Science Specialist
Facilitator: Mike Lebda, Science Specialist
Facilitator: Steve Bock, FCOE Science Coordinator
Facilitators: Ana Lopez, Science Specialist & Denise Romero, Bilingual Advisor
Facilitator: Dr. Lisa Nyberg, CSU Fresno
Facilitators: Dr. Jim Marshall & Jean Pennycook, Science Specialist
English Language Learner Strategies Through Science & Mathematics 11:15-11:45
Presenter: Dr. Jim Marshall
Setting the Context - "Standards Based Instruction"
Presenter: Dr. Jim Marshall
Group rotates every 45 minutes
EL Standards
Presenter: Dr. Rose Patron, Director, Multilingual Multicultural Office
Science Standards
Teachers Off.
Presenter: Jerry Valadez, K-12 Science Coordinator
Mathematics Standards
Presenter: Caran Resciniti, K-12 Mathematics Coordinator
Technology Standards, Project Overview, Logistics
Presenters: Jean Pennycook, & Dan Resciniti, Technology Specialist