
SKIL (Science Knowledge Inquiry Leadership) Institute
How long do your workshops last?
The Elementary Science Education Partners (ESEP) summer workshop, commonly known as the SKIL (Science Knowledge Inquiry Leadership) Institute, is a two-week workshop for the ESEP lead teachers of the Atlanta Public Schools System.
How many teachers do you involve in your workshops?
Each summer, the ESEP lead teachers participate in two weeks of intensive training to enhance their understanding of elementary science education and national systemic reform initiatives. This year, approximately 75 teachers participated in the SKIL Institute- 11 new SKIL teachers, 45 veteran SKIL teachers and 20 Model Teacher Leaders (MTLs)from the Atlanta Systemic Initiative (ASI).
What are your major goals for your workshops in terms of content and pedagogy?
It is imperative to provide each cohort of teachers with the appropriate experiences. This necessitates the three different institutes. However, the ESEP staff has made a point of building community within the entire SKIL teacher/MTL group so at times during the institutes, the various cohorts work in parallel and at times the cohorts are combined to work as a larger group.
Are you offering professional development on specific curricula that
you are hoping will be used in the classroom? If so, which curricula are
you using?
The new SKIL teachers/fifth cohort and the MTLs attended the Introductory SKIL Institute while the second thru fourth cohorts participated in the Intermediate SKIL Institute and first cohort participated in the Advanced SKIL Institute. Four days of each institute are devoted to kit facilitation training, where SKIL teachers are taught to facilitate inquiry-based, hands-on science workshops using the science kits (FOSS and STC) adopted by the school district. The remaining six days are devoted to professional development in the following areas:
- Introductory SKIL Institute Foci-The learning cycle, adult learning,
inquiry pedagogy, equity and participatory reform, questioning skills,
team building
- Intermediate SKIL Institute Foci-Leadership, Advanced science content,
lesson design using the learning cycle, and technology (Power Point and
Windows on Science)
- Advanced SKIL Institute Foci-Leadership, Advanced science content,
Technology and Facilitating a session during the SKIL Institute on one
of the core curriculum content topics for their peers.
SKIL Institute 2000
Institute: June 19-June 30
Date |
8:30-9:00 |
Morning (9:00-12:00) |
Afternoon (1:00-4:00) |
June 19
Motivation |
- Registration: KBH, Angelina Johnson
- Opening session: (suggested theme: Deepening our Knowledge
or Leadership, change and the future for SKIL /MTLF
teachers) Karen F.
- Use each day - Lela Blackburn
- Team building Karen F.
- Transition info: John Finley
The Curriculum Guide: Diann Ash and Lela Blackburn
(auditorium) |
New SKIL Teachers
Introduction to Inquiry
Rita B & Karen F. (rm. 114) |
Science and language arts
ESEP staff (rm. 119) |
Science and mathematics
Diann Ash & Lela Blackburn
(rm. 112)
June 20
Skill Building
Reflective Session
Chat and Chew |
Team Building: New SKIL teachers, math and
MTL/F Kayren Hughley
(auditorium) |
Systemic & Participatory Reform
Group A - New SKIL
Kathryn K. (rm. 119) |
Facilitation Skills Group A
Jacqueline S
(rm. 116)
Adult Learning
Group A
Karen F.
Adult Learning
Group B - MTL
Karen F.
(rm. 112)
Systemic & Participatory Reform - Group B - Kathryn K. |
Facilitation Skills
Group B
Jacqueline S.
Group C Experienced SKIL
In-depth content related to Physical Science kits
ESEP staff (rm. 113) |
Group C Experienced SKIL
In-depth content related to Earth Science kits
Leontine H. & Ann M.
(rm. 114) |
June 21
Kit Day |
Reflective Session
Chat and Chew |
Experienced SKIL
- Kit Class - Balance & Motion - Aminata U. & Karen F. (rm.
- Kit Class - Landforms - Leontine H. & Ann M. (rm. 114)
- Kit Class - Mixtures & Solutions - Olivia W & Karen C. (rm.
As the kit is being presented the following things will be
considered: facilitation skills, literacy, technology (windows on
science), intra-disciplinary, looking at how the content fits into
the big picture, relates to QCC and APS standards, presented with a
concept map etc... |
Introduction to the National Science
Education Standards: Desra and Neva (rm.116) |
New SKIL Teachers
Inquiry through Equality & Excellence
Molly W. & Serve? (rm. 113) |
June 22
Kit Day |
Reflective Session
Chat and Chew |
- Kit Class-Balance & Motion - Aminata U. & Karen F. (rooms
same as above)
- Kit Class-Landforms - Leontine H. & Ann M.
- Kit Class - Mixtures & Solutions - Olivia W & Karen C.
Carrot Experiment - Part 1
Kayren H. (rm. 116) |
Carrot Experiment - Part 2
Kayren H. |
June 23
Skill Building |
Reflective Session
Chat and Chew |
9:00-12:00 |
1:00-4:00 |
The National Science Foundation's Vision of
a Reformed Science and Mathematics Classroom.
Dr. Melodee Davis (rm. 116) |
Math, Science & Literacy Aminata U. & Rita
B. & Arica
(rm. 112) |
Math, Science & Literacy Aminata U. & Rita
B. & Arica (rm. 112) |
The National Science Foundation's Vision of
a Reformed Science and Mathematics Classroom.
Dr. Melodee Davis (rm. 116) |
Date |
8:30-9:00 |
(9:00-12:00) |
(1:00-4:00) |
June 26
(Coordinated by Neva and MTLs) |
Reflective Session
Chat and Chew |
Technology - windows on science, Discovery: Leontine
and Olivia
(rm. TBA) |
SKIP & the chat session - Joe Blessing (rm. TBA) |
Teaching mathematics with Power Point Aminata U. (rm.
TBA) |
SKIP & the chat session - Joe Blessing
(rm. TBA) |
Technology - windows on science, Discovery: Leontine
and Olivia (rm. TBA) |
Video Discovery Leontine H. (rm. TBA) |
NECC Conference - Ten SKIL Scholarships and
all MTL'S |
June 27
Skill Building |
Reflective Session
Chat and Chew |
(Bloom's Taxonomy)
Molly (rm. 114)
Science and Mathematics
Andrea Smith-Pearson & Nikki Mouton (rm. 112) |
African American Cultural Linkages with
Science GLOVIS (auditorium) |
In-depth content related to the Life Science Kits
Experienced SKIL ESEP Staff
NECC Conference - Ten SKIL Scholarships and
all MTL'S |
June 28
Kit Day |
Reflective Session
Chat and Chew |
- Kit Class- Rocks & Minerals - Rita B. & Ann M.
- Kit Class- Human Body - David W. & Jacqueline S.
- Kit Class- Food Chemistry- Donna Butler & Angelicque
NECC Conference -all MTL'S |
June 29
Kit Day |
Reflective Session
Chat and Chew |
- Kit Class- Rocks & Minerals - Rita B. & Ann M.
- Kit Class- Human Body - David W. & Jacqueline S.
- Kit Class- Food Chemistry-Donna Butler & Angelicque
June 30
Wrap-up |
Reflective Session
Chat and Chew |
Working Together for a Successful School
Year Neva R. & Karen F. Toy story presentation then breakout
into working teams. (TBA) |
Closing Banquet with guest speaker 12:00-1:30
(TBA) |
Expected attendance
MTL - 24
New SKIL - 11
Experienced SKIL - 45
Total - 80
- To train teachers to become leaders in science education
- To train facilitators for adult staff development in science
Topics we are doing from the past...
Questioning skills and Bloom's Taxonomy - Molly
Adult learning - Karen F.
Cultural Linkages with Science - GLOVIS
Science and the Primary Child - Olga Jarrett
Introduction to Facilitation Skills - Jacqueline Modeling inquiry -
Alternative Assessment
Models of Professional Development - Karen F.
Equity in Science (Gender) - Molly
Topics we have done in the past are...
ITBS strategies - Dee
Systems Thinking, Systems Changing game
Urban Teachers and Teaching - Angelicque
Mentoring other teachers -Neva Rose
Looking at students work as a method of
Professionalism and "What is it like to be a SKIL teacher? -
Professional Growth Plan
Connecting the textbook with the kit - Jackie Bold