
Redefining, Reforming, and Enriching Mathematics Instruction through Problem Solving, K-* (MIPS Project)
How long do your workshops last?
Our workshops are from 3 to 5 days in length.
How many teachers do you involve in your workshops?
Two hundred plus teachers participated in our first workshop session
this summer. From there, we had 50+ in the second session, and 25+ in our
CMP workshops for 6th - 8th grade teachers.
What are your major goals for your workshops in terms of content and pedagogy? (Just one or two paragraphs)
This year, we have offered three major workshops:
- Math Trailblazers Workshops
- Trailblazers Teacher Leader Workshops
- CMP or Connected Math Project Workshops
- Math Trailblazers Workshops
K-5 teachers and administrators in the five districts of the MIPS Project
attended Math Trailblazers Academies at two different locations in June.
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company provided presenters (classroom teachers) for
each grade level who used the Math Trailblazers Program during the four day
The major goals were:
- To aid teachers in understanding and using the new reform based curriculum.
- To build teachers' confidence in using this program
- To create a risk free environment for teachers that model the classroom
environment that is conducive to the development of students' mathematical
- To engage teachers in worthwhile tasks that promote communication and
- To encourage teachers to reflect on their own teaching and to share
activities and assessments that can be used to assess students' progress.
- Trailblazers Teacher Leaders
Trailblazers Teacher Leaders from seventeen schools in the five districts
have developed Trailblazers Matrices that indicate the North Carolina
Standard Course of Study Goals that are taught in Math Trailblazers units.
These teacher leaders will provide training for new and untrained teachers
in the use of Math Trailblazers starting July 30.
Schedule follows:
July 30th -- Gates County Teachers
August 3rd -- Washington County Teachers
August 5th -- Hyde County Teachers
August 11th -- Camden & Elizabeth City/Pasquotank Teachers
- CMP - Connected Math Project Workshops
CMP Workshops were held in three sessions (1) Three day planning for eight
teacher leaders who conducted the workshops; (2) 1 week Academy for sixteen
teachers grades 6-8 who had not attended a previous session during the
summer and (3) Three day Advanced Academy for 6-8 grade teachers who have
used CMP in their classrooms.
The major goals for the CMP workshops:
Teacher Leader Training
- Work through connected math problems and other similar problem types
- Plan and discuss Academy sessions
- Talk about the book "Sharing Your Good Ideas," a helpful tool in preparing
and conducting Academy sessions.
New Teacher Academy
- Give teachers hands-on experience using CMP modules
- Experience the CMP teaching model: Launch, Explore, Summarize
- Provide feedback from teachers who have used modules on students' responses
to problem types.
Advanced CMP Academy
- Discuss different problem types and student responses
- Choose several problems to be tried during the school year with students
- Create a discussion forum via the Internet.
Are you offering professional development on specific curricula that you
are hoping will be used in the classroom? If so, which curricula are you
Yes, Trailblazers and CMP (Connected Math Project)
The MIPS Workshop Schedule
NC LEAs: Camden, Gates, Hyde, Washington & Elizabeth City/Pasquotank
June 16, 17, 18 & 21
9am to 4pm
Math Trailblazers Workshop
Pasquotank Elementary
Elizabeth City, NC
June 22-25th
Math Trailblazers Workshop
Pines Elementary
Plymouth, NC
June 15-17
CMP Teacher Leader Training
River Road Middle School
Elizabeth City, NC 27909
June 28-July 2
CMP Academy for 6th-8th Gr. Teachers
River Road Middle School
Elizabeth City, NC 27909
June 30 -July 2
Advanced CMP Academy for 6th-8th Gr. Teachers
River Road Middle School
Elizabeth City, NC 27909
July 6-7, 1999
CGI Problem Writing
Central Elementary School
Elizabeth City, NC 27909
July 7-9, 1999
Trailblazer Teacher Leader Meeting
"to develop pacing guides"
Central Elementary
Elizabeth City, NC 27909