
City Science Project
San Francisco Unified School District
Our staff of 5 teachers on special assignment are coordinating and facilitating five different institutes this summer:
- City Science Summer Inquiry Institute
- 2 one-week institutes for approximately 50 teachers
- 8:30 AM--3:30 PM
- Beginning Teacher Institute
- 6 teachers, 6 apprentice teachers and 6 scientists facilitate grade level professional development sessions on our EDC., Insights and FOSS science curriculum and inquiry stragegies
- 90 beginning teacher participants
- 2 weeks, 8:30 AM--4:00 PM
- Science Performance Assessment Scoring
- 60-70 teachers score science performance tests
- Teacher leaders serve as table leaders
- 1 week, 8:00 AM--4:00 PM
- Beginning Teacher Induction
- 2 teacher leaders provide an overview of the science curriculum to about 150 newly hired teachers
- 2 days, 8:30 AM--3:30 PM
- Multimedia Project-Video Handbook
- 2 teacher leaders review science teaching videos and compile a handbook for using the video as a professional development tool for parents, admnistrators and teachers
- 1 week, 8:30 AM--3:30 PM
Our staff of teachers on special assignment will coordinate/facilitate all of these sessions.
Our goals for these workshops is to introduce teachers to using inquiry as a strategy for teaching and learning science and support them as they adapt our science curriculum to include more inquriy strategies such as questioning and facilitating student investigations.
City Science Inquiry Institute, San Francisco Unified School District
June 21-25, and August 2-6, 1999
Monday through Friday, 8:30-3:30
Day 1
- Welcome/Introductions
- Setting the Stage
- Science Notebooks Discussion
- Indoor/Outdoor Shadow Activity
- Break
- Campfire Demonstration
- Shadow Model
- Shades of Gray Activity
- Lunch
- Introduction to Round Light Sources Activity
- Reflection Model Demonstration
- Introduction to Pigment Color Background
- Mixing Pigment Colors Activity
- Chromatography Activity
- Summation of Pigment Color/Move to Light Color
- Notebook Reflections
Day 2
- Mixing Light Colors with Round Light Sources Activity
- Colored Shadows Activity
- Indoor/Outdoor Prisms Activity
- Break
- Inbestigable/Non-Investigable Questions Discussion
- Criterion for Selecting Investigable Questions and Activity
- Lunch
- Gallery Walk -- Select question and partner; begin investigations
- Comment Cards
Day 3
- Review and Discuss the Comment Cards
- Continue Investigations
- Lunch
- Group Sharing of Investigations
- Content Synthesis in context of SFUSD Standards Lecture
- Notebook Reflection
Day 4
- Continue Content Discussion
- Final Synthesis of What's Happened So Far
- Break
- Set Context for the Next Two Days -- Switch from Learner to Facilitator
- Read and Discuss, "Helping children raise questions - and answering them" from, Primary Science ... Taking the Plunge, How to Teach Primary Science More Effectively. edited by Wynn Harlen. Heinemann Educational. 1985.
- Lunch
- Introduce Alaska Model Activity
- Introduce Task: Apply What We Have Learned to Your Grade Level Kit
- Notebook Reflection
Day 5
- Continue Making Changes to Unit by Incorporating Inquiry Strategies
- Lunch
- Continue Unit Redesign
- Group Sharing
- Wrap Up, Announcements -- release day and continuing education and payment information, Evaluations, etc.
California Academy of Sciences
Summer Institute
June 7 - 10, 1999
Monday, June 7
Work Day
- 8:30-3:30 PM at CAS and Alice Fong Yu Alternative School
Tuesday, June 8
Meetings at CAS
- 10:00-11:00 AM: Review lessons
- 11:00 AM-3 PM: Work time, with 1 hour lunch break
- 3:00-5:00 PM: Sharing with Sandy Lam and Sam Taylor
Wednesday, June 9
Field Experience
- 9:00-10:00 AM: Focus Group Discussion
- 10:00 AM: Depart
- 5:00 PM: Return
Thursday, June 10
Finish projects
- 8:30 AM-3:30 PM: Complete activities
- 4:00 PM: Turn in activities and assessment tasks
San Francisco Unified School District
5th and 8th Grade Science Performance Assessment Scoring
July 26-31, 1999
Day 1
- Training, Calibration and Scoring
- Lunch
- Continue Scoring
Days 2-5 or 6, if needed
- Continue Scoring
- Lunch
- Continue Scoring
Introductory Teacher Science Institute -- San Francisco Unified School District
July-July 16 30, 1999
Agenda Overview
Day 1-14
- Introduction
- Work in Grade Level Groups
- Overview of Grade Level Units
- District Science Standards -- What are they and how are they used?
- Creating and Managing a Positive Learning Environment
- Communication -- Developing literacy through science
- Inquiry Process -- What it involves and how to incorporate it into your teaching
- Content Knowledge -- An adult understanding of the science content you will be teaching
- Assessment -- Exploring assessment strategies