
DESERT Project
posted to site:
TITLE: Summer Institute
How long did your workshop last?
Four days (30 hours) July 26-29
How many teachers did you involve?
What are your major goals for your workshop in terms of content and pedagogy? (Just one or two paragraphs)
This was an orientation for teams of 5-14 teachers from our 20 Cohort 1
Schools. Since we have 94 schools in our project, we have decided to divide them
into 5 cohorts who will each receive focused attention to develop school
wide effective inquiry based science for 1-2 years.
Goals : The purpose of the Institute is to provide Cohort I Site Leadership Teams with:
- The opportunity to develop a collective vision of effective science
education through first hand experience, observation of best practices, and
- A template to begin a 3 year implementation plan to involve all teachers
of science at the site based upon five focus areas identified in the site
- Leadership
- Professional Development
- Curriculum and Materials
- Assessment
- Support and Enabling Structures
Are you offering professional development on specific curricula that
you are hoping will be used in the classroom? If so, which curricula are
you using?
FOSS/ STC K-5* and Science Plus 6-8 (the institute here did not focus on
specific pieces, but rather had sessions to show the spiraled connections
K-8 so that teams would get a sense of how big ideas/major concepts are
built through the grade levels.
*We did offer basic intro module workshops on Electric Circuits (STC) and
Models and Designs.( FOSS) which are the new kits introduced for grades
4,and 5 respectively.
TITLE: Principals Understanding Leadership in Science Education (PULSE)
How long do your workshops last?
DATES: May 27-28 1999
LENGTH: 15 hrs
How many teachers do you involve in your workshops?
ATTENDED: 60 principals K-8
What are your major goals for your workshops in terms of content and pedagogy? (Just one or two paragraphs)
Our annual workshop for Principals was targeted, at their request, this year on making connections between science and literacy.
- provide principals with a personal experience with inquiry based science
- develop the links between inquiry bsed science and literacy in the areas of speaking, writing and reading
- explore ways in whcih inquiry based science supports student acheivement on tests such as Stanford 9 and state wide AIMS tests
- develop tools to use at sites to strengthen connections bewteen inquiry based science and language development.
Contact Gail Paulin @ 520-617-7052 gpaulin@azstarnet.com
OTHER WORKSHOPS Scheduled for summer:
- We are offering foundation level workshops in FOSS Models and
Designs(5th) and STC Electrict Circuits (4th) (2 each, 15 hrs) This is to
introduce our thrid kits to grades 4 and 5
- Summer Insitutue for Cohort 1 sites (20 schools)- July 26-29 30 hrs.
Site Facilitators Workshop Aug 2-6 ( 30 Hrs each) Features Exploratorium
inquiry, ice ballons with Fred Stein and tips for facilitators for 99-00.
DESERT Summer Institute I July 26-29, 1999
Monday 7/26 |
7:30 |
Registration & Continental Breakfast |
8:00-12:15 |
Welcome & Introduction
Science Reform Effort in TUSD
Dr. Vicki Balentine
What is the D.E.S.E.R.T. Project?
What does it mean to be in Cohort 1?
Teaching For Understanding
What Are the Issues?
Presenters: Karen Worth, Marian Pasquale, EDC |
10:00-10:15 |
Issues Continued
National Standards Overview
Presenter: Gail Paulin, TUSD |
12:15 |
"Science Education Reform: Partnerships Promote Success"
Guest Presenter... Dr. Sam Ward, Molecular & Cellular Biology, U of A |
1:30 |
CORE Programs Build Concepts: 5 Breakout Sessions.
Please split your teams to cover all areas, go to one NOT at your grade level. |
Breakout Rooms |
Session |
Presenters |
Palo Verde |
K Fabrics
3rd Water
5th Mixtures
8th Density/Oceans |
Lavonne Riggs, Marleen Kotelman
Javier Gutierrez, Megan Schrag-Toso
Margaret Ferguson, Toni Saccani
Marie Abbs, Joan Gilbert
Alice Bever, Joel Blutfield |
2:30 |
2:45 |
Conceptual Flow of Big Ideas in CORE K-8
Progression & Connections
Content Builds conceptual understanding of Big Ideas.
Inquiry Promotes development of conceptual understanding, is the essence of scientific process.
Presenters: Jonathan Becker & Sharyn Chesser |
3:30-4:00 |
Wrap up Session & Reflection |
Reminder: |
Social is Tuesday from 4:00-5:30 |
Assignment: |
For tomorrow: Read Chapter 2 Foundations: Vision of Effective Science Education pg. 7-16 |
Tuesday 7/27 |
7:30-8:00 |
Sign In and Continental Breakfast |
8:00-8:15 |
Opening Remarks
Dr. Mary Belle McCorkle, TUSD Board President
Comments Day 1 Sharyn Chesser |
8:30 |
Classroom Vision of Effective Science Education
Understanding Components through Video/Discussion
Classroom Video Clips: Kathy Brown, Grade 7; Linda Block, Grade 4; Gale Gibson, Grade 1
Presenters: Karen Worth & Marian Pasquale, EDC |
10:00-10:15 |
11:35 |
"Getting It Going/Getting it Good" Floor/Ceiling
Presenter: Karen Worth
Ceiling & Floor of TUSD K-8
Presenter: Marleen Kotelman |
12:00 Lunch |
Picture Effective Science in the Classroom
Guest Presenter: Dr. Julie Luft, Teaching & Teacher Education U of A |
1:15 |
Classroom FOCUS Breakout Sessions |
Palo Verde, Ironwood
Bonsai, Cottonwood |
Effective Lessons: Structures, Questioning/Leading discussions
Student Work: Science Notebooks and Tuning Protocol
Classroom Climate |
3:15 |
3:30 |
3-2-1 Focus question/Reflection |
3:45 |
What is SAMEC?
Dr. Richard Greenberg, U of A, Lunar & Planetary Sci. |
4:00-5:30 |
Social/Nibblers Doubletree Lobby |
Wednesday 7/28 |
7:30-8:00 |
Sign In and Continental Breakfast |
8:00 |
Opening: Comment Cards |
8:15 |
The Classroom Breakouts |
Boojum, Bonsai
Palo Verde, Ironwood
Cottonwood |
Effective Lessons: Structures-Questioning/leading discussions
Student Work: Science Notebooks and Tuning Protocol
Classroom Climate |
10:15 |
10:30 |
Teacher Talk
Practicing dialog/discussion conversations.
Introduction: Gail Paulin |
12:00-1:00 |
LUNCH Available to groups during this time
Supporting Implementation of An Effective, Standards Based Science Program at Your School
Utilizing the Profile |
1:00-2:30 |
Introduction Gail Paulin
Orientation to the Site Profile Report -
Presenter: Susan Loucks-Horsley |
2:30-2:45 |
2:45-3:40 |
Leadership Brainstorm
Presenter: Susan Loucks-Horsley
Curriculum & Materials Support Brainstorm
Presenters: Karen Worth & Sharyn Chesser |
3:40-4:00 |
Response to comments/concerns from the day |
Thursday 7/29 |
8:00 - |
Professional Development Brainstorming
Susan Loucks Horsley
Assessment Brainstorming
Marleen Kotelman, Gail Paulin
Support and Enabling Structures Brainstorming
Joan Gilbert |
9:30-9:45 |
Implementation Brainstorm
Sus Loucks Horsley/SRC Staff
Nuts and Bolts For Planning Support
SRC Staff |
11-12:30 |
Action Team Planning Session |
12:30 |
Teacher Collaboration & Reflection
Guest Presenter: Dr. Kathy Short, U of A, Language Reading & Culture |
1:30 |
Finalize Site Plans |
2:20-2:30 |
2:30-3:30 |
Critical Friends Review Breakouts |
3:30-4:00 |
Collect Plan Drafts
(Finals due 9/24/99)
Institute Closure/Evaluation |
P.U.L.S.E. Conference Agenda
May 27-28 1999
7:45-8:15 |
Registration, Notebooks, Breakfast |
8:15-8:50 |
Starting Off
Introductions, Marlene Thier, other guests
Welcome: Dr. Rebecca Montano
Meeting Goals, Agenda Day I, Day II, Notebook
Say Something
Science and Language Links Conference Text |
8:50-10:00 |
Science and Literacy: Crayfish Exploration
Connect language arts to a science experience
Experience the beginnings of inquiry
Linking investigations to big ideas in science... Why are we doing this? |
10:00-10:10 |
10:10-11:10 |
How do Science Literacy Mutually Enhance One Another?
Improving Literacy Through Science - Marlene Thier
UC Berkeley, Lawrence Hall of Science, SEPUP, CHEM |
11:10-11:30 |
Arizona and TUSD Standards in Science and Literacy
Identifying the connections |
11:30-12:30 |
12:40-2:00 |
Looking at Student Work
To provide experience with sample protocols for student work
To explore the value of looking at student work as a professional development activity |
2:300-2:10 |
2:10-3:40 |
Experience The Private Eye
A Tool for Integrating Science and Literacy |
3:40-4:00 |
Summary and Preview Day II
Sign up for Friday sessions Elementary (2) Middle School (1) |
DAY 2 |
8:00-9:30 |
Guest Speaker Astronomer/Writer -- David Levy
From "Authorism" to Professional Writing... A Young Boy's Journal
Wonderings to Adult Published Works
9:30-9:40 |
Break |
9:40-11:05 |
Session I
- Inquiry Science and Reading
Featured guests:
Sabrina Cruz, Librarian, White
Marissa Ballesteros, Jane Furet, Interactive Literacy
Laura Zaer, Classroom teacher, Miles ELC
- Inquiry Science: Impact on Second Language Learners (Middle School)*
Featured guests:
Alice McBride, Principal, Meyers-Ganoung
Alejandra Sotomayor, Bilingual Education
- Inquiry Science and Writing
Featured guests:
Jane Meyers, Language Arts, LIRC
Barb Petersen, Librarian, Tully |
11:10-12:30 |
Session II Repeat Breakouts A* (Middle School) B, C |
12:30-1:30 |
Lunch |
1:35-2:50 |
Session III Repeat Breakouts A, B, C* (Middle School) |
2:50-3:00 |
Break |
2:50-3:45 |
Summary Reflections Panel
Selected guests reflect on sessions and the relationship of science and literacy. Time for Questions from audience. |
3:45-4:00 |
Evaluation and Closing |