
How long do your workshops last?
The summer workshop lasts one week prior to the start of school. Every
teacher takes three 100 minute-daily courses for the week.
How many teachers do you involve in your workshops?
120 - the last two years.
What are your major goals for your workshops in terms of content and
We expect every participant to fill in the gaps in his/her mathematics
knowledge on a self selected basis from a list of 21 courses developed by a Teacher Advisory Committee. These courses range from number sense/number theory to calculus refresher. Every instructor is encouraged to use a variety of methods as models for the teacher-participants.
Further, every instructor in the workshop gears her/his instruction to three
goals: participants will learn some new mathematics, participants will
learn some new mathematics that they can teach to their students, and/or
participants will learn new ways of teaching the "old" mathematics. Every
course has a strong mathematics component taught by methods that we would
want teachers to use in their own classrooms.
Are you offering professional development on specific curricula that you
are hoping will be used in the classroom? If so, which curricula are you
We have used bits and pieces from many NSF and commercially-prepared
cutting edge curricula. Among these are Core-Plus, Math Thematics (STEP),
SIMMS, Math Connections, and Glencoe Interactive Mathematics. However, we are not using any specific curriculum in its entirety hoping that what is taught and how it is taught will encourage teachers to think beyond their current
textbooks. A person from STEM (Math Thematics) taught the
interdisciplinary themes course.
Schedule of Classes
Period 1 |
History of Mathematics I |
Room 18 |
Math with Manipulatives |
Room 4 |
Intro to the Graphing Calculator |
Room 5 |
Interdisciplinary Themes |
Room 10 |
Math for the Special Child |
Room 20 |
Number Sense |
Room 11 |
Modern Geometry |
Room 12 |
Period 2 |
History of Mathematics II |
Room 18 |
Calculus Refresher |
Room 12 |
Math with Manipulatives |
Room 4 |
Permutations/Combinations |
Room 11 |
Tech. in the Classroom |
Room 5-236 |
Advanced Graphing Calculator |
Room 5 |
Interdisciplinary Themes |
Room 10 |
Number Sense |
Room 20 |
Period 3 |
Fundamental Theorems of HS |
Room 10 |
Number Sense |
Room 11 |
Tech. in the Classroom |
Room 5-236 |
Informal Geometry |
Room 5 |
Integrated Science/Math |
Room 4 |
Logic and Proof |
Room 12 |
Issues in Math Ed |
Room 18 |
Date: January 12, 1999
To: Grades 6 - 12 Mathematics Teachers
From: Jack Price
Re: Summer Program for TAASC Participants
The summer program for all TAASC mathematics teachers will be held August 16 - 20, 1999, at the I-Poly International High School on the Cal Poly campus. All mathematics teachers grades 6 - 12 in Azusa, Charter Oak, Hacienda-LaPuente, and Pomona are encouraged to attend.
Participants will receive: a $300 stipend for the week, free parking, and lunch. Three units of credit will be available also. Each attendee will select three courses from the list below; each course will be held for 100 minutes for each of the five days. One hundred twenty of your colleagues attended last year; we hope that at least 200 will attend this coming summer.
To hold a place in the workshop, complete the attached form and return it to your TAASC teacher-leader or send it directly to Jack Price, CEEMaST, Cal Poly Pomona, Pomona CA 91768. (or Fax: 909-869-4616) Forms should be returned no later than March 1, 1999.
Tentative Course Listing (on the form please select by number)
- Number Sense: An informal approach to number theory, number sense, and algebra sense.
- Non-formula Approach to Permutations and Combinations: Taught intuitively rather than by
- rote formula with related probability through the binomial theorem.
- Geometers Sketchpad (Beginning): Using the Geometers Sketchpad to teach and learn geometry.
- Introduction to the Graphing Calculator: From turning it on to basic functional use.
- Using the Graphing Calculator (including CBL): Functions, graphs, experiments to learn and teach mathematics via the graphing calculator.
- Technology in the Classroom: Spreadsheets, graphing software, internet projects.
- Mathematics with Manipulatives: Using manipulatives to teach and learn secondary mathematics.
- Informal Geometry: Concepts in 2D and 3D taught through demonstrations, experimentation, lab activities.
- Transformational Geometry: Geometry of reflections, rotations, glides taught with manipulatives
- Fractals: Introduction to fractals and activities that generate fractals that can be used in geometry and elsewhere.
- History of Mathematics I: A problem-based approach to the history of mathematics through the great problems.
- History of Mathematics II: A continuation of Summer, 1998, with the same instructor. Open to those in History I last summer.
- Integrating/Coordinating Mathematics and Science: Activities designed to model coordination of mathematics topics with topics in science (different activities from summer, 1998).
- Issues in Mathematics Education: Standards, assessment, equity, leadership, diversity, inclusion -- different topics each day with different experts in the field.
- Mathematics for the Special Child: Utilizing mathematics in the special education program
- Using Interdisciplinary Themes to Teach Mathematics: Developing a thematic approach to teaching; project-based mathematics; applications in the real world
- Introduction to Discrete Mathematics: Theory of Choice and Election Theory, Networks, Matrices, etc.
- Logic and Proof: Developing logical systems, what is proof, attention to the NCTM Strand on Reasoning and Proof
- Statistics: With particular attention to the AP Statistics Class.
- Calculus Refresher: A brushup on the fundamentals of calculus using interesting problems geared toward those who may teach AB or BC calculus
- The Fundamental Theorems of High School: Innovative ways to approach the significance, proof, and connections among the theorems of high school mathematics; Pythagorean Theorem, Quadratic Theorem, Law of Cosines, Cramers Rule, Geometric Series, etc.
August 16 - 20, 1999
I-Poly High School, Cal Poly Pomona Campus
Name _____________________________ |
SSN#_______________ |
Home Address_______________________ |
District_______________ |
City/State/Zip_________________________ |
School_______________ |
Home phone_(____)___________________ |
E-mail (if any) _________________________ |
From the list of 21 courses, please select your first through fifth choices. Please use the course number.
First choice ______
Second choice______
Third choice______
Fourth choice______
Fifth choice______
You will receive a class schedule and more information prior to the end of school in June.
Return no later than March 1 to:
Jack Price
Cal Poly Pomona 91768
or fax: 909-869-4616
or give it to your TAASC leader in your school