
San Diego State University-Imperial Valley Campus
Calexico, California
VIPS Training
For Cooperating Teachers, Supervisors and Student Teachers
August 12, 13, & 14, 1998
The following is an agenda outlining topics covered during a 3-day workshop for participants in a science training program supported by an NSF grant. This training component brings together university faculty, student teaching university supervisors, classroom cooperating teachers and student teachers to learn more about the student teaching program and how it can be enriched by the inquiry science program. It helps all participants to better understand the student teaching process, including the student/mentor relationships. It also begins with a focus on what is considered to be quality instruction. Participants have the opportunity to brainstorm and discuss elements of both teacher and student behaviors and actions that are desirable in a quality classroom. They then have the opportunity to view teachers and students in action with specific protocols (from Horizon Research) guiding their evaluative discussions. Learning more about the hands-on science materials and being actively engaged in scientific discovery themselves helped them to envision the many possibilities for enriched learning in their own classrooms. The evaluations from this first session were positive. These sessions will be repeated for other teachers, students and supervisors in the future.
If you should have any questions regarding these sessions, please call either of the training coordinators: Dr. Leslie Garrison: (760)768-5541; Dr. Olga Amaral: (760)768-5538.
August 12, Wednesday
Welcome and Introductions
Overview of the SDSU Teacher Ed. Program
Overview of the Valle Imperial Project in Science Grant Funded by NSF
- The role, responsibilities, and resources of:
- Cooperating Teachers
- University Supervisors
- Student Teachers
- Focus Question: What makes powerful science instruction?
- What Horizon Research has to say. . .
August 13, Thursday
Translating Theory into Practice
Lesson Analysis: Mystery Powders (gr.4)
Lesson Analysis: Condensation (gr.6)
Comparing the Lessons
Lesson Analysis: Growing Things (gr.1)
Lesson Analysis: Scientific Variables (gr.5)
Constructing a Post Observation Interview
August 14, Friday
Science Inquiry into TOPS (Sarah Quinn and staff): Scientific discovery
Science and Math Resource Center (El Centro): an introduction to materials
School and Classroom Orientations
- Student Teachers, Cooperating Teachers for Fall 1998 Semester