
- To learn how to use a science kit and manage science kit materials
- To develop understanding of life, physical and earth science content
- To understand science as inquiry
- To improve skills in cooperative learning, authentic assessment, inquiry teaching, technology and
- curriculum integration
- To build leadership skills
1998-99 Kits and Kit Specialists
Kit |
Grade |
Kit Specialist |
School |
District |
Marbles, Tracks & Ramps |
K |
Judy Calabretta |
Linden School |
Middletown |
Marbles, Tracks & Ramps |
K |
Leslie Gilman |
Linden School |
Middletown |
Animals 2x2 |
K |
Susan L. Hatch |
Coggshall School |
Newport |
Weather & Me |
1 |
Emily Carr |
Triplett School |
Newport |
Balance & Motion |
1 |
Lorraine Rappoport |
Orlo Avenue School |
E. Providence |
Organisms |
1 |
Rosann Roderick |
Melville School |
Portsmouth |
Organisms |
1 |
Bryn Weymouth |
Melville School |
Portsmouth |
Insects |
2 |
Fran Blaess |
Aquidneck School |
Middletown |
Pebbles, Sand & Silt |
2 |
Leslie Logan |
Grove Avenue School |
E. Providence |
Simple Machines |
2 |
Carol Rosa |
Hathaway School |
Portsmouth |
Structures of Life |
3 |
Judith Antonio |
Orlo Avenue School |
E. Providence |
Sounds |
3 |
Judith LaCross |
Oldham School |
E. Providence |
Water |
3 |
Gayle Raposa |
Ranger School |
Tiverton |
Water |
3 |
Denise Truver |
Ranger School |
Tiverton |
Earth Materials |
4 |
Betsy Bearse |
Pocasset School |
Tiverton |
Electric Circuits |
4 |
Virginia Curtis |
Ranger School |
Tiverton |
Ecosystems |
4 |
Donna McEnery |
Watters School |
E. Providence |
Models & Designs |
5 |
Barbara Betres |
Hugh Cole School |
Bristol Warren |
Floating & Sinking |
5 |
Cindy Jilling |
Portsmouth Middle School |
Portsmouth |
Microworlds |
5 |
Jeffery Soares |
Tiverton Middle School |
Tiverton |
Chemistry |
6 |
Mary Beth Letendre |
Silver Spring School |
E. Providence |
Experiments with Plants |
6 |
Christine Robinson |
Barrington Middle School |
Barrington |
Magnets & Motors |
6 |
Jan Vickers |
Gaudet Middle School |
Middletown |
Tuesday, June 23, 1998
* * * Required Attendance for: * * *
Round III Teachers (Beginning KITES June 1997 - January 1998)
Round IV Teachers (Beginning KITES June 1998)
Others Welcome
8:00 Registration and Coffee
8:30 Welcome, Announcements
9:00 Kindergarten teachers meet with one of the following:
Junean Krajewski - Learning Science Cooperatively
George Christie - Care and Handling of Animals
Grades 1-6 Teachers
Kit Exploration with Scientists
11:00 Keynote Speaker - David Gallo
Exploring Unchartered Territories
David Gallo, Ph.D. in Oceanography from URI, brings to KITES the excitement and importance of exploring and understanding oceans. His presentation includes fascinating personal stories and rarely viewed video footage taken during explorations of the shallowest coastal waters to the greatest ocean depths. As Director of Special Projects at Woods Hole, he has led or participated in more than 13 seagoing expeditions using a wide variety of technologies including the manned submersible "Alvin" and the robot "Jason."
12:00 - 12:45 Lunch
12:45 Kindergarten teachers meet with one of the following:
Junean Krajewski - Learning Science Cooperatively
George Christie - Care and Handling of Animals
Grades 1-6 Teachers
Kit Exploration with Scientists
Wednesday, June 24, 1998
* * * Required Attendance for: * * *
Round III Teachers (Beginning KITES June 1997 - January 1998)
Round IV Teachers (Beginning KITES June 1998)
8:00 Registration and Coffee
8:30 Announcements
9:00 All teachers - How to Develop an Inquiry Lesson for your Kit
12:00 - 12:45 Lunch
12:45 Kit Exploration
2:45 Reconvene in theater for wrap up
Thursday, June 25, 1998
* * * Required for Round III and IV Teachers * * *
Others Welcome
8:00 Registration / Coffee
8:30 Announcements
9:00 Keynote Speaker - Tom Jones
New Standards Assessment
Dr. Thomas Jones presently serves as Director of Field Services at the National Center on Education and the Economy after a 30 year career in public education. He taught social studies at a high school in the Rochester, NY area from 1964-1972 and 1974-1977. He served as a Department Chair of Social Studies and Director of Humanities before becoming Principal of Brighton High School in January 1985. In his role as principal, he coordinated the implementation of flexible scheduling approaches, establishment of site-based decision-making models, introduction of new assessment strategies and the creation of alternative instructional methods. His doctoral work focused on the role of moral education and citizenship education in public schools. This work resulted in the publication of a number of articles and a book on Moral Reasoning in the Classroom. In his role as principal he worked with the Coalition of Essential Schools from 1985-1989.
10:15 Workshops
Required if you have not been on the MRC Tour before. (One of four sessions offered.) |
Materials Resource Center Tour Participants will see first hand what goes into managing the 1000+ kits for over 600 teachers. |
Anita Hennessy
Bus |
Balance & Motion, Marbles, Tracks & Ramps, Models & Designs |
Motion: Paul has been involved in a number of national programs targeting physical science in the elementary grades. He will address questions related to the physics of motion generated during kit training sessions. (3 hours) |
Paul Mello
L/C A-2 Front |
Animals 2x2, Organisms, Insects, Ecosystems |
Insects & Other Arthropods: Techniques for teaching about Rhode Island insects and other arthropods, incorporating lessons into writing and math work, and a wealth of resources for teaching. Bring samples of student work to share. This workshop is supported by DEM. |
George Christie
L/C A-2 Rear |
Pebbles, Sand & Silt, Earth Materials |
Soils: This workshop will provide information and hands-on activities relating to soils and the environment. Learn why top soil is brown and subsoil is "peanut butter" colored, why some soils are very coarse textured and others fine and smooth. Think of why soils are important to everyone - even people who live in the city. |
Everett Stuart
Sci Lab A |
Pebbles, Sand & Silt, Earth Materials |
Farm Tour: Visit a 2-acre, year round hydroponic greenhouse in Westport. There will be an opportunity to understand how principles of simple machines are applied in fishing industry as well as on a potato farm. Wear appropriate shoes. (3 hours) |
Tom Fennessey,
Tyler Young,
Chris Killenberg
Bus |
Models & Designs Grades 4-6 |
World In Motion: Learn Newton's laws of motion with the Society of
Women Engineers (SWE) by doing hands-on experiments. These
experiments will help you work with students in understanding the basic
laws as well as preparing to enter the SWE land skimmer competition in
February 1999. (3 hours) |
Susan Anderson
Sci Lab B |
Required for all 6th grade teachers |
Event Based Science: Toxic Leak. EBS science activities challenge students to design their own experiments, and create their own ways of collecting and displaying data. Using media coverage about an actual major current event or disaster draws students into real-world problems. "Toxic Leak" deals with a gasoline storage facility which was leaking pollutants into the surrounding groundwater. This kit will serve as an extension to the grade 6 chemistry kit. Check out program on:
http://www.k12.md.us/departments/eventscience (3 hours) |
Russell Wright
L/C A-4 Front |
All kits |
Learning Science Cooperatively: Teachers will be actively engaged in activities to explore the wonderful options cooperative learning offers for the teaching of science. Essentials of cooperative learning as well as the specific application of the strategy will be addressed. (3 hours) |
Junean Krajewski
L/C A-3 Front |
All kits |
Handling Children's Questions: Interactive workshop applying strategies for turning children's complex questions into questions that promote practical investigations. (3 hours) |
Greg Kniseley
Pam Manninen
L/C A-3 Rear |
All kits |
Peer Coaching: Learn about the functions and processes of peer coaching. Participants will review collaborative skills needed for cooperation among peers, non-evaluative feedback skills, and developing professional teams to solve problems or to research questions of interest. (3 hours) |
L/C B-l Rear |
All kits |
Beyond Counting - Blobber! Introduce your students' parents to inquiry science through an inexpensive and captivating chemistry experiment. Challenge your students and their parents to identify variables which can be changed and to develop questions for further experimentation. Participants evaluate the results of the changes they make and recommend the best formula for Blobber. |
Mary Nixon
L/C B-4 Front |
All kits |
Science and Children's Literature: Workshop will focus on the integration of science with reading and writing literacy, and viewing through use of wide range of children's literature. (3 hours) |
All kits |
Browsing of Science Web Site: Become familiar with the World Wide Web through the mechanics of logging on visiting other science web sites, and exploring links to the KITES web site. (3 hours) |
Sarah Oliveira
Assessment |
3-Way Conferencing and Joint Goal Setting between Students, Parents, Teachers K-12: Using 3-Way Conferences to celebrate the students' accomplishments and to plan jointly and establish goals for continued growth. Learn one classroom's experience: format options, potential pitfalls, and successes including student, parent, teacher, and administrator perspectives. |
Donna Morelle
Donna Reinalda
Library |
Assessment |
Helping Parents Become Partners in Assessment: Explore how to help parents become partners in the assessment process and learn how to gain support for new practices. |
Suzanne Roklan,
Joanne Olson,
Mary Stockard
L/C B-I Front |
Assessment |
Students Develop Rubrics & You Can Too: Develop rubrics to score
student work samples in the areas of math, science, reading and/or
writing. There will be an opportunity to review student-developed
rubrics. |
Carol Hutchinson,
Denise Truver
L/C A-4 Rear |
Focus Schools |
Middle School and High School Forum: An introductory workshop on
standards-based education helping participants understand the driving
forces behind improvements in student learning. This workshop is open
only to Middle School and High School teachers. |
Tom Jones
L/C D-1 |
12:00-12:45 Lunch
12:45 Workshops
Animals 2x2, Organisms, Insects, Ecosystems. |
Insects & Other Arthropods: Techniques for teaching about Rhode
Island insects and other arthropods, incorporating lessons into writing and
math work, and a wealth of resources for teaching. Bring samples of
student work to share. This workshop is supported by DEM.
(Note: This is a repeat of a.m. session.) |
George Christie
L/C A-2 Rear |
Pebbles, Sand & Silt, Earth Materials |
Soils: This workshop will provide information and hands-on activities relating to soils and the environment. Learn why top soil is brown and subsoil is "peanut butter" colored, why some soils are very coarse textured and others fine and smooth. Think of why soils are important to everyone - even people who live in the city. (Note: This is a repeat of a.m. session.) |
Everett Stuart
Sci Lab A |
Earth Materials |
Geology of East Bay Shoreline: Participants will visit a shoreline site in Portsmouth to study the unique geological formations of RI including some fossil deposits. |
Rob Pockalny
5 Minute Drive |
Structures of Life, Ecosystems |
Marine Animals and their Habitats: Participants will drive to the Biomes Marine Education Center in North Kingstown to observe characteristics and behavior of live marine animals. |
Mark Hall
30 Minute Drive |
Required if you have not been on the MRC Tour before.(One of four sessions offered.) |
Materials Resource Center Tour Participants will see first hand what goes into managing the 1000+ kits for over 600 teachers. |
Anita Hennessy
Bus |
All kits |
Beyond Counting - Blobber! Introduce your students' parents to inquiry
science through an inexpensive and captivating chemistry experiment.
Challenge your students and their parents to identify variables which can
be changed and to develop questions for further experimentation.
Participants evaluate the results of the changes they make and
recommend the best formula for Blobber. |
Mary Nixon
L/C B-4 Front |
Middle School |
From Theory to Practice: Incorporating Integrated Curriculum Ideas in the Middle School with a Focus on New Standards Math
Assessment: This workshop will offer a variety of ideas for integrating
math, science, social studies, and language arts in a middle school
setting. Participants will receive hands-on materials to use in their
classrooms. |
Nancy Miller
Library |
Middle School |
Performance Based Assessment at the Middle School Level: The specifics of this workshop will be on scoring student work and developing rubrics. Sample tasks will be provided for the participants. |
Mary Jerome
Sonya Whipp
L/C B-3 Front |
Middle School |
How Deep Can You Dive Holding Your Breath?: Participants are actively involved in examining and comparing themselves with a world record dive through problem solving, reasoning, making connections, and communicating mathematically. Examples of student's work will be available. Grades 6-8. |
Harold Weymouth l/C B-3 Rear |
Middle School/ High School |
Performance Based Curriculum + New Standards = Student
Achievement: This workshop will demonstrate how to write up extended
work units for students that are performance based and aligned with New
Standards. |
Gail Abromitis
L/CB-2 Rear |
Middle School/ High School |
Performance Tasks and Assessments with Rubrics: In this workshop
we will work with sample tasks and practice creating rubrics. We will
offer assistance in preparing for Rhode Island state assessment. |
Nancy Carreiro
Mary Bolton
L/CB-2 Front |
High School |
Performance Based Assessment Tasks for High School Geometry:
This workshop will share tasks which fit into the New Standards high
school geometry curriculum and also share examples of student work on
these tasks. |
John Sexton
I/C B-4 Front |
High School |
Our First Attempts at Performance Based Assessment in Algebra:
This workshop will share tasks which fit into the New Standards high
school algebra curriculum and also share examples of student work on
these tasks. |
Kathleen Lord
Jennifer Landers
L/C B-4 Rear |
Focus Schools |
Elementary Forum: This workshop provides a general introduction to
standards-based education that will help participants understand the
driving forces behind improvements in student learning. This workshop is
open only to Elementary teachers. |
Tom Jones
L/C D-l |
3:00 - 3:30 Focus Team Meeting L/C D-1
Friday, June 26, 1998
* * * Required for Round IV Teachers * * *
Others Welcome
8:00 Registration / Coffee
8:30 Workshops
Insects, Organisms, Structures of Life, Ecosystems |
The Intriguing World of Insects: Tony brings his collection of mounted
specimens to many classrooms in Rhode Island. His programs offer in-
classroom experiences as well as free visits to his office. Tony will give
an overview of his work with students. |
Tony DeJesus
L/C B-2 |
Pebbles, Sand & Silt, Earth Materials, Water |
Soil & Water ABC: The Pebbles, Sand and Silt kit investigates simple
earth processes essential to forming soils. Get your hands dirty with
investigations of soil and water! |
Josef Gorres
Sci Lab A |
Required if you have not been on the MRC Tour before. (One of four sessions offered.) |
Materials Resource Center Tour /Beyond Counting - Blobber!
See first hand what goes into managing the 1000+ kits for over 600
teachers. Introduce your students' parents to inquiry science through an inexpensive
and captivating chemistry experiment. Challenge your students and their
parents to identify variables which can be changed and to develop
questions for further experimentation. Participants evaluate the results of
the changes they make and recommend the best formula for Blobber. (3 hours) |
Anita Hennessy
Mary Nixon
Bus |
Floating & Sinking, Chemistry, Simple Machines, Water, Ecosystems, Structures of Life, Microworlds, Weather & Me |
Newport Maritime Educators' Resources Festival at Goat Island in Newport. This half-day tour will feature over 20 presenters from around the state with expertise in oceans, watersheds, habitats, ecosystems and much more. Participants will tour the Aurora, a 101 foot sailing vessel, which will be available for field trips during the spring and fall months. Science activities will be designed on-board that will feature marine life, simple machines of the sailing vessel, and other nautical sciences. The "trade show" atmosphere will allow teachers ample time to explore other resources to make connections to their science classroom. (3 hours) |
Bring your lunch |
Electric Circuits, Magnets & Motors |
Electricity & Magnetism: Paul will address electricity and magnetism questions generated during kit training sessions. (3 hours) |
Paul Mello
L/C A-2 Front |
Grades 6-9 |
Event Based Science: "Fraud" and "Blight." EBS science activities challenge students to design experiments and create ways of collecting and displaying data. Using media coverage about an actual major current event or disaster draws students into real-world problems. This session will feature training in two units, currently in the field test version. "Fraud" deals with the forgery of a painting by Vermeer called "Christ and the Adulteress" and how chemicals analysis is used to determine authenticity. "Blight" deals with the Irish potato famine and how it was handled. Presented by the author and developer of the series, Dr. Russell Wright. Check out the web site at: http://www.kl2.md.us/departments/eventscience (3 hours) |
Russell Wright
L/C A-4 Front |
All kits. |
Poetry of Science: Examine the language of science in children's science journals and in the kits. Use model poems to write the poetry of science. No experience required, either in poetry or science. |
Carli Carrara
L/C A-3 |
Assessment |
Math & Science Connections: Assessments of a KITES Kit: Using the KITES kit experiments, and student created work, attendees will be guided into the process of creating rubrics and scoring the work. |
Carol Frisk
Aimee Despathy
Library |
Assessment |
I'm not testing this year, so why is performance based assessment important to me?: Develop an understanding of performance based assessment and the New Standards for the total school community. Grades 5 and up. |
Patricia Roberts,
Karen Hellendrung
L/C A-2 Rear |
Assessment |
Helping Parents Become Partners in Assessment: Explore how to help parents become partners in the assessment process. Learn how to gain support for new practices. |
Suzanne Roklan,
Joanne Olson,
Mary Stockard
L/C B-l |
High School Forum |
Integrating Concepts in High School Mathematics/Science: Activities presented will support New Standards Assessment. Workshop designed by East Bay Department Chairs. |
Crista Burrel
L/C B-3 |
10:00 Break
10:15 Workshops
Insects, Organisms, Structures of Life, Ecosystems |
The Intriguing World of Insects: Tony brings his collection of mounted specimens to many classrooms in Rhode Island. His programs offer in-classroom experiences as well as free visits to his office. Tony will give an overview of his work with students.(Note: This is a repeat of 8:30 am session.) |
Tony DeJesus
L/C B-2 |
Pebbles, Sand & Silt, Earth Materials, Water |
Soil & Water ABC: The Pebbles, Sand and Silt kit investigates simple earth processes essential to forming soils. Get your hands dirty with investigations of soil and water!(Note: This is a repeat of 8:30 am session.) |
Josef Gorres
Sci Lab A |
All kits |
Poetry of Science: Examine the language of science in children's science journals and in the kits. Use model poems to write the poetry of science. No poetry experience required.(Note: This is a repeat of 8:30 am session.) |
Carli Carrara
L/C A-3 Rear |
Assessment |
Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners: Meet the needs of diverse learners with a focus on LEP students in Performance based mathematics. Grades 2-8 |
Sonya Whipp
John Reynolds
L/C B-4 Front |
12:00 - 12:45 Lunch
12:45 Workshops
Required if you have not been on the MRC Tour before. (One of four sessions offered.) |
Materials Resource Center Tour Participants will see first hand what goes into managing the 1000+ kits for over 600 teachers. |
Anita Hennessy
Bus |
Floating & Sinking, Chemistry, Simple Machines, Water, Ecosystems, Structures of Life, Microworlds, Weather & Me |
Newport Maritime Educators' Resources Festival at Goat Island, in
Newport. This half-day tour will feature over 20 presenters from around the
state with expertise in oceans, watersheds, habitats, ecosystems and much
more. Participants will tour the Aurora, a 101 foot sailing vessel, which
will be available for field trips during the spring and fall months. Science
activities will be designed on-board that will feature marine life, simple
machines of the sailing vessel, and other nautical sciences. The "trade
show" atmosphere will allow teachers ample time to explore other
resources to make connections to their science classroom. (3 hours) |
Bus |
Structures of Life, Ecosystems |
Marine Animals and their Habitats: Participants will drive to the Biomes Marine Education Center in North Kingston to observe characteristics and behavior of live marine animals. |
Mark Hall
30 Minute Drive |
All life science kits |
Blitheworld - A Living Laboratory: Find out how the Botanical Garden and Arboretum can offer resources for all teachers of life sciences. Explore the varied Blitheworld habitats including the pond, garden, and shoreline. Dig for worms in the compost pile, listen for the frogs in the pond, "watch" the bamboo grove grow (it grows over 30 feet in 3 weeks), explore the giant sequoias or search for microorganisms. Butterflies abound. Dress for a day in the garden. |
Barbara Martin,
Denise Zompa,
Gail Read,
Julie Morris
20 Minute Drive |
Our Presenters
Susan Anderson |
Senior Development Engineer in charge of "Producization" at Raytheon and a member of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) |
Crista Burrel |
Staff Developer, KITES Project, former High School Math Teacher, Souhegan High School, Amherst, NH |
Carli Carrara |
Former Kit Specialist and teacher, Henry Barnard School, Rhode Island College |
George Christie |
Entomologist, consultant, owner Elementary Entomology |
Tony DeJesus |
Education outreach coordinator for the New England Pest Control |
Tom Fennessey |
Curriculum Director, Little Compton School Department |
David Gallo |
Director of Special Projects, Woods Hole, MA |
Josef Gorres |
Professor in the department of Natural Resources at URI and one of the co-directors for the GEMSNET Project in southern Rhode Island. GEMSNET is a partner in the KITES program. |
Mark Hall |
Marine biologist who directs a marine education center in Wickford, RI |
Anita Hennessy |
Operations Manager of East Bay Materials Resource Center, KITES Project |
Tom Jones |
Director of Field Services at the National Center on Education and the Economy |
Chris Killenberg |
Hydroponic Gardener of a year-round hydroponic garden in a two-acre greenhouse in Westport, MA |
George Kline
| Director of a maritime museum and aquarium in Newport which is an ideal site for field trips for kids |
Greg Kniseley |
Associate Professor, Department of Elementary Education and KITES Principal Investigator, Rhode Island College |
Junean Krajewski |
Associate Professor, Education Department, Providence College |
Pam Manninen |
First Grade Teacher, Henry Barnard School, Rhode Island College |
Barbara Martin |
Horticulture Department Assistant, Blitheworld Mansion and Gardens |
Paul Mello |
Physics Teacher, Middletown High School, Middletown School Department |
Julie Morris |
Horticulturist, Blitheworld Mansion and Gardens |
Mary Nixon |
Mathematics Consultant, Principal of Beyond Counting |
Sarah Oliveira |
Computer/Technology Specialist, Portsmouth Middle School, Portsmouth School Department
Joanne Olson |
Principal, Melville School, Portsmouth School Department |
Kathy Phillips |
Science Consultant, Principal of Beyond Counting |
Rob Pockalny |
Professor, Geology Department, University of Rhode Island |
Gail Read |
Assistant Horticulturist, Blitheworld Mansion and Gardens |
Mary Stockard |
Focus Team, Teacher, Melville School, Portsmouth School Department |
Everett Stuart |
Soil scientist with the US Department of Agriculture, serving with the Natural Resources Conservation Service |
Harold Weymouth |
Focus Team, Teacher, Portsmouth Middle School, Portsmouth School Department |
Russell Wright |
Director of Event-Based Science Project, Maryland |
Tyler Young |
President, Rhode Island Farm Bureau, and potato farmer in Little Compton |
Denise Zompa |
Art Teacher and Department Head, Bristol-Warren School Department |
Our Presenters
Working Wonders II, District Assessment Leaders
Nancy Miller,
Barrington Middle School
Donna Morelle,
Sowams Schools
Donna Reinalda,
Sowams School
John Sexton,
Barrington High School
East Providence
Karen Hellendrung,
East Providence
Jennifer Landers,
Martin Junior High School
Kathleen Lord,
East Providence High School
Little Compton
Aimee Despathy,
Wilbur-McMahon School
Carol Frisk,
Wilbur-McMahon School
Gail Abromitis,
Gaudet School
Carol Hutchinson,
Forest Avenue School
Patricia Roberts,
Middletown High School
Mary Jerome,
Thompson Middle School
Suzanne Roklan,
Melville School
Mary Bolton,
Tiverton Middle School
Nancy Carreiro,
Tiverton High School
Denise Traver,
Ranger School
Warren Bristol
John Reynolds,
Reynolds School
Sonya Whipp,
Kickemuit Middle School