
We have a steering committee that meets monthly. Members of the committee represent each of seven school districts and the main purpose of these meetings is communication. Each steering committee member distributes information from the meeting to a representative at each schooland to a key district administrator ( e.g.curriculum director). These representatives feed information back to the committee. This has worked very well for about 2 years. We also have a project manager who is "GEMS-NET Central. The manager has a phone number and e-mail known to all; is familiar with all aspects of the project and with activities of all each staff member and PI. One of her many jobs is to facilitate communication by routing questions or reports to the right place. We also have a newsletter with 3 issues a year. We just distributed the first issue, so we will see how that works. We also have a newsletter put out 3 times per year. The PI's who have offices on different campuses of the same university also meet once a month. Other staff members all have their offices on the same hall of one building - this is really helpful!
Barbara Sullivan-Watts,
We have monthly staff meetings. We have monthly director meetings to set staff agenda, and we utilize semester meetings of district liaisons whom we call SOS (Support on Site) team members to coordinate district/classroom issues. We supplement meetings with a quarterly newsletter directed toward a teacher audience.
Reeny Davison,