
I got some info from Mesa but it has been 3-4 years that is probably too old. If I kept it, I did a cost analysis for our last adoption, but it is about 4 years old. Do you want any of it if I can locate it?
Myra Louise Miller,
I did an analysis a few years back to determine the cost of consumables to implement an inquiry based science program. The cost varied from $1.00 to $6.00 per student per year, depending on the grade level. This was for the FOSS program and included 3 modules per year (one each of life, earth, physical). Other variables included the extent to which teachers did the extensions, infused technology, and sources of life critters. In our district the average cost per school site to sustain the science program was around $2,000.00 per year (we have big schools). Three teachers rotate 3 kits between them. The cost for 3 kits is approximately $1,500.00 (including teacher manual, consumables, and equipment) which comes to about $17 per student. Textbooks are $45-75 per student. There are numerous implementation issues that are very different between a textbook based program and a kit based program. Many "textbooks" also ask teachers to perform inquiry based labs and activities that are material intensive. These are hidden costs that must be considered if the program is to be used effectively. Then there is the professional development support that must be provided. Teachers must still "teach" science and the academic language that it contains. Although expository literature is very important to include in science programs it is not enough to have students only read about science.
Jerry David Valadez,
We've run a materials center for our K-5 science center for the past five years. We have school-by-school and kit-by-kit expenses. Contact Myra Miller, Director, Keystone Project at mmiller@bozeman.k-12.mt.us for more information. Jim Bruggeman Principal, Irving School, Bozeman Co-PI Keystone Project District K-12 Science Supervisor
James Bruggeman,