
Barbara, We are just beginning our first year of professional development.....so as you can guess, we are taking baby steps in many areas. We are including Special needs teachers in our regular PD sessions. Our hope is that as we progress they will take an active role in identifying their specific needs and be instrumental in helping us develop sessions to meet those needs. We have found them to be most enthusiastic and appreciative participants!
Janie West,
Barbara, Many times the special needs teachers are ignored. The materials are not ordered for their rooms, they are not released from their classrooms for professional development, or they are the last to be released. This happens with bilingual teachers as well. It is essential to work with administrators to ensure that these teachers are involved. They attend the professional development along with their colleagues. Usually, their suggestions for teaching techniques benefit all children. They are a great resource to our project.
Kathryn Bouchard Chval,