
We have formalized a partnership with our local university, California State University, Fresno, through a CPEC funded program called "SMP3", Science and Mathematics Preservice Partnership Program. Key elements of the program include: identificaition of 190 students that have declard teaching as a goal that agree to select mathematics and science as the area of program emphasis during their multiple subject credential preparation. These students, mostly sophmore through junior status, will take especially created cousrsework as part of their emphasis. In addition they work in district classrooms with selected master teachers for up to 10 hours per week to assist with math or science instruction using the adopted baseline programs (Mathland and FOSS). The university also uses the program as part of the methods classes and the special content classes which are also co-taught by district master teachers along side the university scientist or mathematician. The preservice students also participate in summer institutes along with our lead teachers, participate in family math and science events, and LSC teacher workshops. Special mentoring between teacher and student is encouraged and supported. A seamless preservice/inservice experience is the ultimate goal of this partnership. Dr. James Marshall, CSUF; Jerry Valadez, FUSD: Co-directors.
Jerry David Valadez,