
Timelines for evaluations should typically correspond to project timelines - i.e., pretest data should be collected just prior to or at the beginning of the project; posttest data at the end. However, not all of the LSC projects will have an opportunity to collect "true" pretest data, since some of the earlier projects have been operational for a period of time. Basically, we are now in a planning period for data that will be collected in the 2001-2002 school year, and in one or several subsequent years through the duration of the project, depending upon the evaluation design. The value of collecting data in the intervening years, rather than just at the conclusion of the project, is to obtain indications regarding whether changes are being made in the right direction. However, studies have shown that it can take two to three years for interventions to have substantial impact, so do not expect large changes early in the project.
Joy Frechtling,