When I noticed that our last year's report was still in FastLane boxes, I called "FastLane" at (703) 306-1142. I was told to add this year's report to last year's report. In other words, add data to the boxes in an accumulative fashion. Also, I asked about pdf files since the current FastLane directions indicate that we can upload one pdf for Activities and one pdf for Findings. In addition, we may add a pdf for graphics. While these "new" directions are relatively clear, I noticed that we added a pdf file of our Lead Evaluator's report last year to the Findings box. It's still there, which blocks adding a new pdf file. I was told that we could "dump" it --last year's Evaluator report, that is. With the pdf button "reloaded," I assume that we can combine this year's Findings and our Lead Evaluator's report for this year into one pdf file and attach it to Findings. In short, directions for completing this year's annual report via FastLane appear to be substantially different from last year's directions, which are posted at your Web site with 1999 changed to 2000. Perhaps the simplest approach is to add new text in each box for this year's data and send our Evaluator's report and any other appendices to our Program Officer via regular mail. From what I have written, do you think I understand the "new" NSF Annual Report Guidelines? Any enlightenment (or confirmation) will be appreciated.
Harold Mick,
Program Management