posted by:
Kalyani Raghavan
on March 5, 1998
at 2:53PM
PD to student outcomes to PD
I am Kalyani Raghavan, the lead evaluator with ASSET project (lsc K-6 science).
I look at student outcomes as informing the needs of professional development. Towards that end, we have selected one module and conducted interviews with children just after they had completed the module. The questions involve problem solving tasks chosen to provide opportunity for students to exhibit all the concepts and processes that the module encompasses. The data reveals the strengths and weaknesses in students' level of understanding of the different items. Of interest to PD providers are those items that did not seem to get through to a majority. This has helped them to rethink module level training.
Another procedure that we are trying this semester is to select specific key lessons from three modules - one at 4, 5, 6 grade levels - and designed questions for students to answer at the end of these lessons that would elicit conceptual understanding of the key aspects of these lessons. Also included were a short teacher questionnaire regarding what goals (listed in the module) were applicable to these lessons and which ones they felt students understood. We are yet to get back the responses and I will be able to say more later in the year. The purpose is to again inform the PD providers formative feedback.
However, I do agree with Mark that there is still a long way to go from Pd to impressive student outcomes.