
posted by:
Joan Gilbert
on November 19, 2001
at 1:44PM
Effectively Sharing the Vision
Here in Tucson, in the D.E.S.E.R.T. Project, we have many of the same challenges already mentioned. One thing we're working very hard to improve upon as a communication tool is our listserv for the Science Facilitators (a lead teacher at each elementary and middle school who has voluntarily become the liaison for the school and the science department). Each Facilitator spent a short technology training session to discuss the use of the listserv and to become familiar with our district science web pages. We've asked every Facilitator to either respond to a posting, or post a query themselves, to start practicing communicating. At this time, the listserv is mainly used to disseminate information to schools - most of the Facilitators then forward those messages to all the teachers at their school, which does help with getting the word out about general information.
Joan Gilbert Collaborative Teacher TUSD D.E.S.E.R.T. Project Science Resource Center