
posted by:
Joni Falk
on November 14, 2001
at 9:46AM
One last try...
Thanks to those of you who responded. I heard that for some of you the time was not right, and from one person whose post did not get sent (we are checking the listserv!).
I also heard some interest in continuing this discussion and for me to put forth a few questions to see if we can not get it going? So I will post a few questions to test the waters. If the response is poor we will just put this discussion to bed and try again after Thanksgiving.
To give this one final try, can everyone address at least one of the questions below (and introduce yourselves and where your project is at (new project, veteran project).
1. Have you developed one (or more) effective strategy to communicate across constituencies? 2. What is your LSCs greatest challenge in terms of communication? 3. Where is the communication most likely to break down?
Hope to hear from you --Joni