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Suggestions From Conference Participants for Other Instruments to Measure Student Outcomes including attitudes and aspirations
Student Attitudes
- Students perception of Constructionist Classrooms (grades 3 and 6)
Subscales (alpha = 0.75 - 0.86)
- awareness of the nature of science
- attitudes
- use of childrens ideas
- roles and values of text
- parent, family and community development
- 6th grade Scholar CUP competition
- 7th-8th Math Counts competition
- NY State Attitude Survey (ca 1989)
- Attitude inventory of released NAEP items constructed/validated at U. of IA
- Modified Fennema-Sherman attitude scales
- Pete Kloostermans scales on student beliefs, attitudes and values (IN University)
- Spokane district Student Attitude Survey
- SATL Rhode Island (Student Assessment of Teaching and Learning)
Statewide survey of teaching practice and perceptions of teaching and learning ALL students/teachers in RI
Student Aspirations
- EPAS (from the ACT) Achievement tests coupled with career interest inventory to be used for individual student planning purposes.
- Student enrollment in "gatekeeper" courses (physics, calculus, etc.)
- Course enrollment and completion of college courses of Spokane school district graduates
- Qualitative analysis of career plans of Spokane seniors over time (sample of plans)
Other Outcomes
- Students passing State Algebra exam
- Course-taking sequence
- Classroom behavior
- Test of Basic Process Skills (BAPS)
- Test of Integrated Process Skills (TIPS)
- Quarterly reports (failure notices)
- Summer school mathematics enrollment
- Teacher beliefs (survey/instrument)
- Levels of engagement of childrens mathematical thinking, adapted from CGI
- Vocational Interest Assessment
- Participation in math courses
- percent of students at grade level
- student attitudes towards math