
Three questions: [a] How is this working? and [b] how easy is it for multiple users to make use of -- I meant, does it take a long time to learn? [c] What kindsof records does it NOT keep for you, and how do you relate the parallel systems (if they are needed)?
Brian Drayton,
It's working just fine. It's very easy to use, but so far, only the Project Director's admin is entering data. I would like to expand it so our science resource teachers could enter data directly. For now, they fill in bubble forms and attach signature sheets of teacher participants (we need this documentation for the NSF auditors.) I've kept it updated with reports as they are needed, mailing labels, name tags, etc. Access easily transfers data in other formats, so Horizon Research's sampling data was easily taken from the database and put into a spreadsheet.
Nancy Thomas,
Our project is very interested in setting up a similar database. Are you willing to share specific information about your program. Thank you, Cathy Kelso
Catherine Kelso,