Reflections on Change: the change from a regular elementary classroom teacher to ASSET Resource Teacher to renewed elementary classroom teacher.
Reflections on Change: The following observations, changes in teaching habits, ideas about learning, and enduring learnings have been keenly explored during my first and now my second year back in the elementary classroom: *the best piece of paper to give my third grade students is a blank sheet of paper for their ideas, thoughts, questions, knowledge, drawings, diagrams, graphs, charts, and everything else that can be communicated in writing at their stage of development *learning is not a race, but a process that takes time to develop, grow, change, and mature...give learning an opportunity to flourish with the FERA Learning Model *question, think, question, rethink, question again...a neverending cycle that brings about the "aha" moments and learning that stretches to a higher level *take time to learn!!! What's the hurry? *free time has taken on a different meaning in my time means "time to freely explore the questions that each student has written in their "???" folder, that is, short for questioning folder *performance based assessment in integrated into the daily curriculum without fanfare, but is readily embraced by third graders who do not hesitate to perform as a normal piece of daily learning *inquiry does not need to be prefaced by neon lights, but easily works itself into a learning situation as the need arises...children are so open to a variety of learning styles *success is for every child, IQ does not hinder children who are encouraged to explore the questions that are of interest to them *the phrase "I don't have anything to do" does not exist in my classroom...only an empty mind can have nothing to do!! *offer new learnings to every student and provide the time and space for them to develop their ideas, processes, and products as they make learning an integral part of their own being **Notes about the above one-pager: Linda Boord is a 3rd grade teacher in a district that has actively participated in the ASSET program since 1995, meaning she has taught hands-on, inquiry-based science using STC and/or FOSS with the support of ongoing professional development. She became an ASSET Resource Teacher in 1998, which means she was on special assignment on our staff to conduct professional development for her peers for a two-year period. During that time she came to understand the role of inquiry and its potential impact on student learning. She went back to the classroom in 2000, took a year to reflect, and wrote the reflection paper after starting her second year back. There is no question but that she is an exceptional teacher. (She, along with 2 other ASSET teacher leaders, have been selected as the PA finalists for the Presidential Teaching awards. Because of ASSET, they have known each other and worked collaboratively for over 5 years, so they don't mind who is selected at the national (we'll all be at the party!). I believe this is exactly what NSF is hoping for with the awards.) Also, the one-pager concept came out of Linda's experience on the ASSET staff. Whenever staff members attend a conference or something like that, I have asked them to share their learning with the rest of the staff in the form of a one-pager, so that we all learn from each other.
Reeny Davison,
Professional Development
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