Using this activity with site facilitators, parent leaders, administrators and regular teachers.
This particular activity in The Overland Trail makes use of the TI 83 Graphing Calculator. We have used this activity with our site facilitators, parent leaders, administrators and regular teachers attending our 4 Day Math Institutes. The first part of the activity is an exploration with the calculator to become familar with some of the functions,ie.:back arrow, delete, enter,etc. The next part of the activity is having the participants working in pairs or groups of four to solve the problem of which family will run out of water first and in how many days. The participants share with their colleagues how they solved the problem and I give different groups a blank transparency to share with the whole group- their thinking. The next piece involves entering the same data into the graphing calculators. For many teachers this becomes difficult, so we provide a handout and walk the teachers throught the steps of creating the three lists. The presenter uses a poster of the calculator and the view screen calculator which enables the participants to see what their screen should display. After we get to the graph and everyone's happy seeing their points of intersection, we discuss the activity in groups and whole group, in particular how it felt to work with a graphing calculator and the key mathematical concepts that are present in the activity
Michael Hunt,
Professional Development, Curriculum Implementation And Materials Support
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