Telling the community that their mathematics teachers are doing something to improve the mathematics education in their schools.
With the help of our university's public relations office, we put together a catchy two-page brochure that showcases our LSC project. It uses a question-and-answer format to give a brief introduction to the project and the mathematics curriculum (CPMP). Included are answers to "What's in it for this district and our children?" and "What can I do to help?" Throughout are pictures of the district's teachers engaging in activities from the project. The university's office for research and sponsored programs funded the production (about $1000 for a large quantity of copies). We gave each school in the project a small supply free of charge and then have asked a nominal fee for additional copies. That money can then be used to fund an additional printing, if needed. The brochures are designed to be used with community members, parents, school boards; anyone who may have a vested interest in the school. Many schools have given them out to parents at "math nights." They are a great way to let people know that teachers really are working hard and that positive things do happen in our schools.
One district that was initially involved underwent a change of administration and withdraw from the project - after the brochures had been printed! Sending them out as is feels like false advertising, but reprinting is costly.
Laura Van Zoest,
Program Management
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