
I would like to embelish EDC's role in this process. I credited them in the nugget, but the reality is that the program one that they developed and continue market. More information is available at http://www.edc.org/LTT/IVM/index.html
Thomas E Foley,
Questions: Partnerships with business are becoming popular. This particular arrangement seems like a good way to get some release time for the teachers -- I am curious about the educational value added of these partnerships, both for the students and more particularly for the teachers. How do these visits relate to the curriculum? Is there a school-to-work component or process?
Brian Drayton,
These are not really visits. They are scheduled substitutions. The industry people follow the curriculum that they get from the teacher in conversations that take place well ahead of time. The teachers, in turn, are involved in staff development workshops. As the industry volunteers become comfortable, they are invited to bring projects from work that make use of mathematics that can be tied to the curriculum.
Thomas E Foley,